
Where do scene or/and emo kids hang out in Fayetteville, Arkansas

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where do scene or/and emo kids hang out in Fayetteville, Arkansas or anywhere near??? ONLY ANSWER IF UR ANSWERING THE QUESION!!!!!! i dont ******* care if u think i shld b myself, or watev. i just wnt ******* answers!!!!!




  1. Well I live in forrestcity Arkansas and I am emo and I know plenty of emos all over Arkansas its a matter of who you talk to but its easy to find any type of person in walmart juss saying lol XD good luck

  2. there's no place that they ALL just "hang-out" at,so i guess (if ur allowed! xD) just walk around ur town,theirs most-likely to be a scene/emo kid sitting on my steps out-side a store,in ur town. BUT in my town their are no emos/scenes/punks/or goth kids around,so that doesn't work for me,sad cause i'm the only emo kid in my whole town,btw i'm a girl,so whatever,i'm still the only emo kid in my whole town. so if none of them live by you,you could just go talk to them on myspace,facebook,youtube,or twitter,their seems to be a lot on myspace,and youtube. also most Emos/scenes live in the U.K.,or in Germen,or in New York,or in Canada. i mean if you live in one of those places their wouldn't be a street you didn't go down that their wasn't a emo/scene kid sitting on the steps. xD i don't mean that in a bad/mean way either! xD hope this helps! :D

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