
Where do some people get the idea they can up and leave for a whole day?

by  |  earlier

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well don't let it happen again, I had to hang out with Kev...

LOL he's going to be so mad when he sees this!!




  1. ? Why did you post this question in the "Germany" section?

    What is this all about?  

  2. thats what I'd like to know. everyone up and left here in the office yesterday and I was here all alone!  of course it was after 5pm.........

  3. Who knows Snizz

    Independent minds - shouldn't be allowed

  4. and what do you mean by people?

    do you mean family? it's only right they should

    tell you where their going or where they've been,

    unless thier hiding something that is.

  5. LOL,is that what this is all about?

    geez i just went out for the evening,

    why did you miss me,aw,, you're so sweet,

    i was thinking about ye the whole evening

    if that helps :)

    huh, i said i went out, i never said i had

    a good time, i was thinking of you guys

    honest, now you've gone and made me

    feel bad,,, sob,,sob.

    don't cry ((((( BIG HUGS )))))

    sorry honey xx

    OMG, how did you put up with the smell

    of him, how revolting is that, hope you

    had a shower when you logged off,

    stick insects are just vermin,, yuk.

    he answered the phone ? was he breathing in you're ear, i'm feeling sick at the thought

    of that, OMG,  i've went all cold thinking

    about that.

    oh it was me you phoned, i remember now

    forgive me i was i bit pickled at the time.

  6. SM does as he pleases.  Right on my man! You put little Snizz in her place! Ha!  ;-)

  7. Huh?

  8. Jeez, you'd think he disappeared for 3 months or something...

    I say we take him to Yahoo court. It's the right thing to do.

    Scotch ~ I can smell yer kilt from here, get it washed for gods sake!

    Hmm, how come you never called me?

    What was that Snizz? You want to choke my chicken? You should have just asked...

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