
Where do stuff go once you delete it off your search history?

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Where do stuff go once you delete it off your search history?




  1. it is gone, if you want to be sure there is no info left from what you were doing, delete cookies too

  2. Good question, I think it just disappears

  3. That's what I'd like to know, because some on-line sites claim to be able to retrieve deleted files!

    If I delete something, say one of my own files, it goes into the deleted file store and to dunp if completely I must either select that file or dump the whole lot.

    But, what happens to it after that?

    Yes, the space on my main drive disc which it previously occupied is now cleaned blank, but, where did the deleted file actually go to?

    It's got to be out there somewhere in Cyber-thing.

    Do you think Cyber-thing is where the Devil lives?

    d**n, looks like someone got there before us : -

    A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

    Document written by John Perry Barlow declaring cyberspace independence. ... A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace ...

    You now know what happens when the final frontier is finally reached!  A whole new universe of total madness opens up before us.  I mean, Cyberspace as a concept is difficult enough, but delcaration of independance?  I mean, was there a revolution and if so, why the h**l weren't we told about it?  And, who's side might we have been on?

  4. QED

  5. what stuff, u mean the files? or d history?

    if its d history, yea its gone.

    if tis the files, it'll still be there, go look under local settings>temp

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