
Where do the email saved or I just want to know where do the Internet information are saved?

by  |  earlier

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is it saved in the server or?

please give me more information and provide me some internet resource that I can read it by myself




  1. WEll it depends on your setup. Do you receive email by POP3, IMAP or Webmail? Are you on a network that uses a mail server? If you have a standalone pc using pop3 mail, such as Outlook Express, Windows mail, or Outlook, then mail is stored on your hard drive. If you use a web based mail, it is stored on the web server and temporary copies are downloaded to your hard drive (cached) so you can read them, but these aren't readily accessible, so you need to log in to the website each time. As for a good resource, type "email" in

  2. Here is the link to Wiki if you want to read about it

  3. it is saved on the world wide web. Just face it, the internet will always and had always existed. Mankind cannot control it know; it has become too big. They aren't stored in a physical location, since nothing can support so many data. It is just stored on the "internet".

    One day the internet will evolve and even mankind won't take it down. This is how we will go extinct...

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