
Where do they get helium from and how much is left?

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I mean on the earth, lots in the sun but how do you get it?




  1. It's produced from radioactive decay in the Earth, mainly uranium and thorium.  This is an extremely slow process and the helium we are using has been produced over the several billion years the Earth has existed.  Mainly it is extracted from oil wells, so with a decline in production of oil will come a decline in production of helium.  

    I'm not sure anyone knows how much total is left in the crust, probably a lot.  But only a small fraction of that total is readily available.

  2. Its formed by the fusion of hydrogen in the sun. And about 5 billion/million yearsworth, can't remember which one.

  3. it is trapped within the earth and is usually found where the rocks are impermeable and can be drawn off from deep oil wells it also occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere

    how much is left refer to someone like linde gases

  4. Pure Helium doesn't occur in great quantities on Earth, and is almost non-existant in the atomsphere. Commercially available Helium is manufactured in a laboratory and is a by product of certain reactions between other, more common substances.

  5. You can get it from balloons that are sold in funfairs. I think there is enough for another 34567 balloons.

  6. From the air.


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