
Where do we can find peace?

by  |  earlier

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sorry guys, i ask lot of Qs just for my curiousity in using the who, what, where when, why etc..

so dont be too serious.




  1. Peace is under ones mind. If you are open minded, there are always peace at every place, every your life.

    If you are close minded, there will be no peace in life.

  2. you can find the ultimate peace in death.

  3. within ourselves :)


  4. kandang krab

  5. In the toilet.

  6. my brother's friend name Aman...

  7. in conquest and death.

  8. on your mind i dont know how old are you but you ask to many wird questions.

  9. ..when my kids and wife not around...and i got my beauty sleep alone at home....

  10. i agree with-ME-?me?ME?aiya....whatever lar

    u can find peace only in toilet(but not for me,when i berak also my coliege with shout"****,your phone,quickly!!!!!")

  11. my personal experience is when i pray, i really find it so peaceful after that :-)

  12. Get the Yellow pages, look for a person name Aman.

    (dont be too serious.)

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