
Where do we exist???????

by  |  earlier

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Think about it. The past is always a nano second behind you, the future is a nano second ahead of you and the present is never really the present since its always moving. So Where do we exist?




  1. In time or space? In time, we speak using semantics, gods, and wishful thinking. The past is never to be experienced again. The future is forever out of our reach. That leaves only the present that is forever changing as time marches on. I don't know what more can be said about where in time we are.

    In space, we are always changing our position. One comforting thought is knowing that others are changing with us, from the nextdoor neighbor to the stars in the sky. We are not alone.

    Back to your basic question. I really don't know where you're taking this, but I have thought about it, and time travel, aside from being nonexistant, would be frightening. How could even the most wise human handle it?  To put it another way, would you rather be lost in space, or lost in time.

  2. I dunno but i'm living in the now.

  3. Everywhere we are. Also my existance has been documented many, many times by several different jurisdictions:op



  4. Hellbent is right just live your life to the fullest.

  5. But the present does exist. The present is neither the past nor the future. The present time is right now. Yes, the present is always moving forward, even by nano seconds, but that doesn't mean it's not there. The present never stops moving in time, but then again, neither do we.

    The present is defined as "present(a): temporal sense; intermediate between past and future; now existing or happening or in consideration"

    Right now you are sitting in a chair (most likely). In the near future, you could still be sitting in that chair. But in the present, this very second, you are sitting. Or getting a drink. Or whatever.

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