
Where do we go when we die? Anyone got any ideas?

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Where do we go when we die? Anyone got any ideas?




  1. When we die, we are judged immediately. Most of us will go immediately to heaven, waiting for the earth to be "re-born", where we will return.

    Few people make it to the so-called 'h**l'

    Most evil-doers are mentally ill, and God forgives those types of criminals. They can't help themselves.

    Only sane, decided criminals are punished. You must know what you are doing, and have evil intent, before you are sent to 'h**l'.

    Believing and trusting in Jesus Christ is a sure invite to 'heaven'. But, when you die, you are invited to meet him. Then you are offered a second chance to make up your mind.

    If you deny Him after meeting Him, then you are toast.

    Nobody would be that stupid.

    The Euphrates is drying up as we speak. This is a big prophosy in Revelations.

    The end-times are here.

    Get you acts together. (All of you.)

    God bless,


  2. Heaven or h**l, depending on if we recieved God's gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ dying on the cross. If you reject Jesus then you are ready for trouble.

    Sure the body will go into the ground, but your spirit and soul go on.

  3. he don't go to heaven nor h**l. these are not places.

    h**l and heaven are feelings. for example, if a drinker goes to h**l after he/she dies, he won't get tortured with red and hot pitchforks. he won't have any alcohol in there to satisfy his/hers need.

    when you go to heaven, you probably feel like you have everything you've ever wanted, or better, you don't feel like you need those things anymore to be complete.

  4. When we 'die' the "Breath of Life" that God first breathed into Adam goes back to our Creator. Our physical bodies will "return to the dust from which God created us. When Jesus comes to call those who were saved (covered under the blood of Jesus)  we will meet Him in the air to recieve our new bodies, bodies like unto Christ's own. Boy! Do I ever look forward to that day!

  5. I did get to go there once - at least that's what I was led to believe at the time.  Perhaps these experiences are simply a lack of oxygen in the brain.  

    I got to see "god" which had no body - only a fantastic spirit about which there is nothing you can say.  Our language is so limited that it only makes a sham out of an experience like that.

    I could perceive the mind of "god" - it isn't human, so it's not like ours.  Ours is quite limited.  There are no rules there or books or tv evangelists or good and bad.  Everything is equally beautiful - everything is alive and everything is "god".  And you can't go there before your time - so stop thinking about all this.

  6. Dude, wrong place to put this question.

  7. heaven or h**l. i was just wondering why this question is in decorating & remodeling

  8. heaven or h***

  9. We go to the morgue first.  Then, depending on the culture, there could be a cremation or a burial.  It's up to the family where cremated remains go.

    As for our consiousness, who knows?  We don't know.  Some people would say heaven or h**l.  Some people would say nothingness.  Some would say into some kind of limbo.  And others would say we become ghosts and wander or haunt.

  10. Well I know "for sure" we DON'T go to decorating and remodeling!

  11. It's good you have"dusted-off" this issue for many of those out there who apparently haven't been thinking too much

    about it...beyond the "boxed edition" issued to all of those

    people who don't  care to research  or delve into comments

    from those who have died...clinically speaking...for some

    matter of minutes...or...given the right circumstances  in

    cold water...have been revived to tell of A GREAT SENSE



  12. cemetery

  13. heaven or h**l but some ppl r athesist and they think they decay

  14. in the ground of in a firey thing and hten into a vase thing that goes on a mantel or fire place or maybe split up in many different places

  15. heaven for the good and h**l for sinners

    repent now

  16. no one knows for sure of course lol.

    but i think we are reincarnated and come back as another life form. it depends on how good we were in our previous life to what our new lifeform is. i think that we eventually go to heaven once we have fulfilled what it is we were meant to do.

    im catholic, so you'd think i'd say we go to heaven. whatever

  17. in a box 9 feet under the ground. :) hope that helps!

  18. we cease to exist. our consciousness does not transcend our human form it is composed of electrical signals in our brain. when we die, those electrical signals cease and so does our "self".

  19. Christians think that we go to heaven or h**l when we die.  I guess athiests think we just die, and nothing happens.  It's probably different with every religion.  

    I think we'll go to either heaven, or h**l.

  20. We rot in the ground. Either in a pretty little casket or some get cremated. That is all. Unless you have some unfinished business then maybe you roam around the same way as if you were alive. Ah who knows.

  21. well you either go to heaven or h**l

  22. It is very likely that no one actually knows. The odds are high that its nowhere.

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