
Where do we stand at this point? need opinions!?

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I've been dating this girl for about 2 months, we were never "official" but we really liked each other and click well. Three weeks ago she found out she was leaving for national gaurd bootcamp in september for 8 weeks and got distant after that, didn't return my calls that week but did text to apologize for not calling, said she lost someone she knew to suicide, works crazy, etc. I backed way off and stopped calling, we didn't talk much for about two weeks besides some texts. I wasn't sure if she had a lot going on or lost interest, then about a week ago she started coming around, told me she missed me a few times, explained that she had an 'off week' earlier, was working 60 hours a week, and is super old fashioned (she really is) couldn't bring herself to call me. I called her sunday night, and everything seemed like before. Last night she actually called me to see how my first day back to school went, we talked for an hour, mentioned doing some fun stuff, she joked how her pride was gone now because she had to chase me and she never chases guys. So, do you think i'm still 'dating' her like I was before, or she get distant as a way of trying to cool things off between us, or maybe she just needed some space and everything is the same between us? What do you think?




  1. It sounds like she was really busy and is still interested in you.  She would not have started coming back around or apologized if she wasn't interested.  But why don't you talk to her about your questions and concerns?  Communication is an awesome thing in any relationship.  I wish you serenity

  2. Well I think you`re just "dating" with no official committment like you said and probably the news of her leaving bummed her out realizing you just met and now she has to go, plus all the things going on in her life. It looks like she likes you though since she came back to you and admitting calling you back and all that. Listen , if she`s old fashion she won`t tell you where she stands with you, then you need to be a little patient, but if you have a chance, ask her out again and ask her how she feels about about you been around her know the worse thing she can say is...let`s just be friends. But the only way you`ll ever know where you stand and in a way, make it easy for her to know where she stands, is by asking.

  3. Seems like she likes to play games. She wants what she doesn't have. When you backed off and respected her space...she didn't expect it. She may be honest in her feelings and learned a lesson. You did the right thing. I would give it some time and see where it goes, and then ask her what's going on so you don't make a mistake by misjudging something. If she does the disappearing act again I would walk. Life's too short for people who need to act like that.  

  4. I think that since she is in the national guard she is having emotional conflicts with the fact that she doesn't know her immediate future, if she will be placed out of the country or across the country, or if she should date serious if she will have to leave, or if she should just be clsoe friends... it's a difficult thing to be a part of and she is trying to learn. I would be patient, ask her about what she wants, and go from there.  

  5. why don't you just ask her? if you want a relationship with her you need to be able to communicate.

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