
Where do worms come from?

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Where do worms come from?




  1. from bottoms after picking noses.

  2. they live in the ground and were probably evolved from decomposing microrganisms.

  3. A supreme being put them in the ground so the fish would have something to eat.

  4. worm holes

  5. Other Worms.

  6. worm eggs

  7. from mud monsters :D

  8. well there like bugs.they have been here since the beggining except they live in the earth.some worms are in raw meat and thats why you gotta cook it all the way thru or ur gonna have worms yuck you dont want that!!

  9. God created them

  10. they come from the ground

  11. The moon.

  12. GOOGLE IT!

  13. This is probably the best question i have ever seen on this site. and I have no idea.

  14. deep in the earths crust.... hense earth worms ...or animal worms come from basically the same place

    - just my opinon idk

  15. The ground.

  16. eggs, decayed flesh, earth, in your trash. etc........

  17. why there ecky anyway they came from god

  18. Dirt.

  19. Under the ground.  WOW

  20. the ground when it rains!

  21. They were put on earth by a greater being to eat all the rubbish that we put in it, and recycle it into nutrients.

  22. the

  23. the ground

  24. your butt

  25. When a mommy worm loves a daddy worm very much...

  26. mummy worms

  27. The center of the earth. Inside there is a factory that makes them. It strange but true. I got fired from there a week ago.

  28. Other worms

  29. Theres is no such things as wormsis.

  30. Europe, they came when European settelers came by boat to America, before that there weren't any worms.

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