
Where do you apply to be a host family for a foreign exchange student?

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what qualifications do u need




  1. There are many, many, many organizations out there that are begging for host families!

    The place to begin looking is your area high school. Find out from the counselor what program(s) THEY recommend. Out of those many, many you can bet they have some they prefer! I know our school does!

    If your school is NOT currently hosting exchanges students and is willing to, you may have to find the program on your own. To do that, first make sure it is CSIET listed ( If it is not, chances are the school will not accept the program or student and if the school DOES, chances are good your student will not be allowed to participate in any extra curricular activities.

    Again, on the list you'll find MANY programs. However, generally speaking AFS, Aspect, Rotary and YFU are reliable almost everywhere. ASSE has a decent reputation MOST places.

    Now, since there are so many groups, you are in the driver's seat. Contact the organizations that interest you (or that the counselor has recommended). Invite a representative over for an interview. Remember, this interview is a two way street. Not only are you being interviewed for suitability as a host family, you are evaluating the support you will get from the organization.

    Here are a few things to look for:

    Where does the representative live? The closer the better, preferably the same town/city. However, by law he or she MUST live within 125 miles of you.

    Did they promise you a student? If so, this is a no-no and a red flag. You should not be promised a student until after your interview and your background check has been completed! Now, if you are being interviewed by a friend of your family who works with exchange students, they might have an idea of a student who would suit, but you should STILL not be promised! (It IS OK to look at various student profiles and select a student to be put on hold for you for placement AFTER you have been cleared).

    Ask questions! When and where are orientations? What happens if I have a student issue?

    Make sure you're happy with the answers!

    Good luck! This is a fun experience, but the organization you choose has much to do with the enjoyment!

    EDIT: Qualifications are pretty basic.

    A loving family that wants to host! For most organizations you can be single or married, with or without kids, or any other stable relationship.

    Financially you will need a place to put your student (own bed required, own room desirable, but not required) and be able to feed and house your student. They come with full travel insurance which covers medical. They also pay all school related and personal expenses.

    Generally we will say that if you go out to dinner and a movie as a family, you pay for the student. If he/she goes out with friends -- on their own!

    Hope that helped!

  2. HI!!

    I' going to study abroad next I'm going to stay in a host family!!!

    there are many organizations:



    and others that I can't remember!!=)

    anyway...remember that the student expects that you consider him like your own

    child, that you help him adapt to their new environment,

    that you house him and that you offer advice and guidance

    in his new life!!

    Who can become a host family?

    Host families come from all walks. You could have children or not, you may have children older or children younger than the exchange student, you may be a young couple or an older couple, or you may be single. You may live in a house, an apartment, a town or the country. In selecting a family, it's given priority to the following characteristics.

    - A real and profound desire to become involved in the host experience.

    - An openness and flexibility of approach and attitude.

    - An ability to be both firm in discipline, yet warm and caring.

     -A desire to learn more about other cultures.

    that's all!!



  3. To the teaching Institute & the concernd Govt.

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