
Where do you buy transparent string for making decorations and mobiles?

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0 LIKES UnLike,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,265/category_id,19/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,1/

The above link advertises a butterfly mobile which I have seen in the shop and is made using a sort of transparent string. But it's not string, it's plasticky or something. Does anyone know what I mean and where I can buy this stuff to make my own mobile?




  1. Oh, i think i know what you mean.... um, you can get some at HOBBY LOBBY, JOANNES, or any craft shop really.

  2. I use fishing line, it works great!

  3. fishing line is easy to find at any store that has a sporting goods section.  It sometimes looks blue on the spool, but is clear as glass and comes in different strengths.  It's cheap, and you get a ton!

    Also, a craft store would sell the clear stretchy cording in the beading department, and most likely would also sell plasti-canvas supplies which include plastic cording in a variety of colors.

  4. You can get a spool of clear nylon thread at any fabric store

  5. Fishing line. Any sporting good store or bait shop.

    Clear and much stronger then thread.

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