
Where do you feel the strongest sense of loyalty?

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Where does your patroitism lie? With the national government, state governments, your communities, your religon, or just yourself? If there was a massive breakdown in government, who would you side with?




  1. I am an American, and feel deeply patriotic about this nation.

    If there was a massive "breakdown" in our government, I would proudly stand with anyone who believes in our Constitution and sovereignty and restore our nation to the tenets on which it was founded.

  2. 1) God

    2) Husband and family

    3) National Government

    I would side with God.

  3. My first loyalty is to God...second to my immediate family (mother, father, brother and sisters)....third is to my friends...and so on...

  4. myself, my family.  as  it is me and 2 kids? me. i trust me.  i don't trust anyone  in this town but my family and not even ALL of them.

    i would side with me and mine staying alive. period.  if  i find like  minded folks who are capable and honorable? then i'd side with them.

  5. The strongest sense of loyalty is on the battlefield while under fire! These brothers will give their life for each other! Too bad georgie boy never experienced such a feeling!

  6. my patriotism lies with the people. as silly as it might sound i like to think of America as made up by people who are out to better themselves and the world they live in. if i were to fight for my country, my home, i would be doing it not for government but to protect the people who help make America what it is.

    if there was a massive breakdown in our government i would "side with" the branch that could best function at the time. i would lean toward local government because normally they seem to have a stronger tie to community and people, whereas in state and federal government you tend to focus more so on policy and stuff. during a breakdown of government i would want to see optimism and unity which i think is best seen in local government and communities

  7. not really loyal to the govt, i just live here. as far as loyalty goes probably just close friends and family

  8. Well the south fought a war over siding with there states, since they lost I guess it should be with the federal government, they have fought over religion in the middle east for thousands of years thats prof religions not the way to go, and anachy never works.  Id say federal.

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