
Where do you find information about earths being destroyed and reforming,and life starting over again?

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is it hindu mythology?in other words this is not the earth adam and eve originated on.





  2. If you found any information it would be either entirely myth or speculation.  There is some decent info about the meteor many scientists think wiped out the dinosaurs.  Just Google it.

  3. God in the beginning created the heaven and earth and the earth became without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  

    The earth has never been completely destroyed... it was covered over by water Twice. (Once before the creation of mankind as we know it, and once by a powerful release of waters from above the firmament.)  It will be "destroyed" by fire one final time... then will be the regeneration...but the heavens and earth are intended to remain constant throughout eternity.

    If you truly are seeking the truth about this matter... God can show you in His word where this information can be found.  the book of Genesis talks about the creation and the book of revelation talks about the regeneration of a "spoiled" world.

    The Book of Peter (in the bible) talks about the final end of the world as we know it [destruction by fire]  but if you put all the information together you can see that the heavens and earth are intended for more than just this life...There is a time of the resurrection from the dead, judgment and a new life.

  4. Matter cannot be destroyed, it may change form, hence a lot of gas sometimes...( er hum ! )...Anyone could claim that a 'reforming'

    could start over again....If  our Scientist's prove that a form of life exists on other planets, then we are assured that life also may start or form over again....The Hindu religion is more than 6000 years of knowledge & wisdom & definately worth checking out....No matter what religion you may belong to !.

  5. I heard a psychic mention"The New Beginning" one time. Is this what she meant? If the earth is can it "reform"?

  6. That hasn't happened yet, that I know of. It will be destroyed in the end times, which are near..with all that's going on right now. Search on Google.

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