
Where do you find those flower pins??

by  |  earlier

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gosh i hope you'll know what i'm talking about, i know asians will, anyways if you've ever been to like a wedding reception, when you walk through the door the bride and groom stick those tiny boutonnier things on to peoples dress or shirt. im trying to find a bunch i could buy or order online but not having any luck, i live in Salt lake city Utah and if you find out where i can get some here at like a local store or if i can order some online that would be amazing!! thanks! :]




  1. Usually people order them at a floral shop.

  2. Do you mean corsage pins? I think that is what you are referring to. You can call your local craft stores and ask them. They probably carry them. Or you can get them online:

    Good luck!  

  3. You can also buy them at most Walmart stores

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