
Where do you find your strength?

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When times get rough - to get through hard times?

I find mine from God & Mi familia..




  1. God is my strength and refuge...according to the Bible we can cast ALL our cares unto him~

  2. I get is from god and my family too

  3. Number one GOD, then meh familee. Meh mother , father, sister, brothers, cousins, aunts uncle and even de punkin vine ones.

  4. my strength is in my muscles

  5. My Granpa

  6. I get my strength for God, my family and my friends. I am truly blessed.

  7. I grew up the hard and tuff way, things can only get better, I've already seen worst, my family is always there.

    When you're down, there's only one way to go and it's up. The Almighty always stretches out His hand, grab on and rise.

    One Love

  8. From God

    And from knowing that I've faced rough times before. I believe I can deal with whatever happens, whenever it comes.

  9. My family my partner and my puppy ! :D

  10. From God - for all the time tings seem to be going wrong, next ting BAM ! He fix up everything

    But yuh see how i sleepy rite now i feel i need ah sugar rush, let meh go bawl of the cafe girl dey for ah snickers and ah red "seedrink".... ah mean a granola bar and some water laaad fadder

  11. from my mom and my son who is only a baby. my bf hates when i vent.

  12. God!!people like me been trought allot if it wasnt for the past i wont be the person i am to today hard working  and have enought strenght to fight and handle things

    but God is the is the one who fill me with joy hope faith

    love yah god!!when you down to something,god is up to something!!!

  13. I stand alone.

  14. my family and god also

  15. Ah does get meh strength from God. Without He ah cyah do nuttin and He go be dey fuh meh ALWAYS. :)

  16. From my cat

  17. from here!!

  18. In me

  19. Music, when your depressed nothing makes things better like some ska music.

  20. prayer love,and oprah lol

  21. then you have a good support network. your family only wants what's best for you. listen to them.

  22. God, my children (my reason for getting up every day), my husband and my best friend Anna who always knows how to shine some humour on the situation and make me see that the situation could be worse! Really important since I'm a drama queen!(love her for that!!)

  23. Friends, People who come to me when they see im upset, without me having to ask them.

  24. From my weakness. I build from that.....and let's not forget god..hehe

  25. From the promises of God for me and my family...

  26. Jesus Christ and his Mother Mary.

  27. Prayer


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