
Where do you from???? do you know brazil???????????????

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Where do you from???? do you know brazil???????????????




  1. I'm from Scotland, but my wife is from Sorocaba (SP).  I've seen a few States in Brazil during my travels including of course Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro & Parana.

    I guess that about covers all of the States in the South East with the excption of Espirito Santo.

  2. Brazil? No, I don´t! Where is it? In Africa?


  4. Dear Karamelo, allow me to correct you... we say: " Where are you from?" and " Have you been to Brazil?"

      By the way, I am Brazilian too, living in the state of Santa Catarina at the moment. I want to visit other countries in other continents but I wouldn´t trade Brazil for any other one, isn´t God Brazilian too after all?

      And continue to practice your English... that is how we learn... it is so much easier than Portuguese anyway.

  5. I'm from England! and who don't now Brazil! seriously!

  6. Rome, Italy!

  7. brazil is a beautiful place

  8. i am from japan but i know brazil, a part of south america.

  9. Best place in the world. Most beautiful ladies.

    Lovely places to go great food.


  10. Beautiful Country!

  11. Oi, I'm from the USA but my moms from Brazil. Been there 10 times its rainy in the winter and really hot in the summer.

  12. no Brazil but Italy (Naples)

  13. im in UK, i know of Brazil but never been there would love to go though. :)

  14. Hello,

    I'm brazilian.

    Bye Bye.

  15. I'm from Canada and of course i know Brazil, rainforest, beaches, beautiful girls in tiny bikini's!!! Never been to south america though, just Canada, the United states and Europe

  16. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA    

    Brazil is a beautiful country !

  17. I am from the USA.  I know some parts of Brasil very well.  I lived in Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Jacarei and Campinas for several months each.  I became very familiar with Sao Paulo centro (Luz, Bom Retiro, Perdizes, Pinheiros, Caixingui, Morumbi).

    I love Brasil - the people, the places, the food, the culture, and futebol (of course).  That's not to say there aren't problems in Brasil, but I remember fondly my time there and still have many friends I keep in touch with.

  18. Hi!

    I'm from Brazil!

    If you want, visit my profile.


    Mas, acho que voce é do Brasil tambem...


  19. I love Brazil, and the people, spent 8 months in Pernambuco 1946, ex Merchant seaman, the ship had lost it's propellor.

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