
Where do you get your inspiration?

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i've been having writer's block lately.




  1. write about what it feels like to have writer's block

    no one needs inspiration.

  2. i lay down and look at the stars and sky

  3. PP: What seems to be the problem, Ma'am?

    R: I have blockage.

    PP: Let me call for backup.

    PP: Dispatch...can you send in Officer Plath?



    by Sylvia Plath  

    The prince leans to the girl in scarlet heels,

    Her green eyes slant, hair flaring in a fan

    Of silver as the rondo slows; now reels

    Begin on tilted violins to span

    The whole revolving tall glass palace hall

    Where guests slide gliding into light like wine;

    Rose candles flicker on the lilac wall

    Reflecting in a million flagons' shine,

    And glided couples all in whirling trance

    Follow holiday revel begun long since,

    Until near twelve the strange girl all at once

    Guilt-stricken halts, pales, clings to the prince

    As amid the hectic music and cocktail talk

    She hears the caustic ticking of the clock.


    R: Thank you, Officer.

    PP: I'm glad I could help.

  4. Music, Books, Personal experiences, and Self -knowledge.  

  5. My inspiration is usually anger, but I'll tell you what else works;

    1-Y!A: Hanging on Y!A

    The sections that work for me are poetry section, philosophy section, and religious section.

    2-MUSIC: I've written a few poems at the same time I listen to music. It's like you inner lyrics start to flow with the music.

    3-TV: I've written poem's while watching TV, usually upsetting programs, like the 9/11 documentary worked for me, I cried while I wrote.

    4-PEACEFUL WALKS: Walks in the park. I get amazing thoughts and poems while I take a peaceful walk.

    5-CARS, BUSES, etc.: Riding the back seat of any transportation.

    6-BED TIME: Lying in bed before sleeping.

  6. A lot of times from personal hardships or my past...I write a lot of poetry, and most of it is dark...which is odd because in contrast i am a very bubbly person. But when I have writer's block, I take a break from the certain story/poem and come back a few minutes, hours, or even days later. Sometimes a new perspective really helps. i also ask, (if its something I'm not to guarded about) my friends or anyone really. I might not tell them my idea...but ask them questions about what they would do in a situation or something. Another thing I do is look at the dictionary (or internet) for interesting words. Sometimes just a word will spark an idea. You could also watch tv (preferably the news, so you dont take other people's ideas, and it's surprisingly helpful), read, play...excercise...those are all the things I do! Seems like a lot but i hope i helped!!!

  7. my work is related to creating images and logos.. and i almost never can make an image in the minute i'm given the brief.. i usually think about the subject for a while (1hour, more or less) and then start doing something else.. and, normally, the next day i already came up with a good idea for it.. sometimes i even wake up in the middle of the nigth with the idea, and just draft it in a sketch book i have near my bed.. and in the morning, if i didn't see the sketch book, i would't even remember it..

    so, my advice: learn that your brain is thinking about stuff even when you don't think it is.. and if you trick your brain into thinking something is important, even when you're not thinking about it, your brain is, and it will give you an answer sooner or later..

    try just to relax, go have fun, with friends or family so that you can distress, and it shoud make your ideas flow like before..

    good luck with the writing =D

  8. nature like the beach at night, music, feelings, scenery, good/bad experienced ...everything!

  9. obamaaa!! haha jk...

    music most definitely

    listen to mucic with lyrics that make you think and soon your writers block will be over =]

  10. I probably would say Robert Frost.  

  11. Personal hardships in life.

  12. My feelings, books, quotes, movies, etc.

    For example: If I see a very sad romance story, I want to go and capture it in a few stanzas.  

  13. music, poems things that you are going through in life. thanks.

  14. i don't get my inspiration i live my insperation

  15. From Jesus, my BFF.

  16. I got my inspiration, first from a book I read.

    How to draw a picture.

    Start with a blank surface.

    It doesn't have to be paper or canvas,

    but I feel it should be white,

    because we need a word,

    but ist's true name is nothing.

    Black is the absence of light,

    but white is the absence of memory.

    The color of can't remember. -- Stephen King

  17. I am inspired by my ever expanding personal experience, by my readings of both prose and poetry, and by the wonder of the world.  Perhaps most importantly, I am inspired by the essentially limitless possibilities of the English language, which has a richness beyond my comprehension.

  18. Your emotions. They are the strongest things in the human mind. Whether it's passion, sadness, anger, bliss, love, pain, hate or even numbness, it all brings out our true selves and pushes us to 100%. Just think about some personal or world events and figure out how they make you feel. Just the other day I thought about my friend's cousin committing suicide and how that made me feel, I started writing it down and from that free flow of emotion I felt came some of the best lyrics I've ever written. But hey, don't try and force your poetry, or it won't come. Just get captured in the moment of feeling and go for it...Good luck!

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