
Where do you get your spiritual strength for each day?

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Mother Teresa Said...

"The joy of Jesus will be my strength --

it will be in my heart, in every person I meet.

They will see it in my work, my walk, my prayer --

in everything."




  1. From GOD.

  2. Caffeine, bacon sandwiches, nicotine and alcohol.  Then, later on, I wind down with some vigorous masturbation while looking up into the sky and winking.

  3. Through prayer, reading and studying Gods word and meditation. And seeing the Holy Spirit move over peoples lives.

  4. random thoughts, like the one I had when I was making pancakes this morning.

    My ancestors prayed to God so that I could have a full belly and not work too hard.

    Stuff like that.

    The gratitude was something I don't think everyone is aware we should have.  Those who have gone before us have sweated and prayed for us who live so blithely in this society.  Once in a while, it really hits me, and it gives me a deep feeling of being connected to everyone who was ever connected to Christ in the most Holy Sacrament.

    So there you have it.

    It's a beautiful day here where I am.  The sun is shining, and there is no wind.  The trees are starting to show color, and school is about to start.

  5. On a work day I think about what I am going to do on the weekend in great detail, I dream about the future and make plans (even though they maybe pie in the sky), on the weekend I like to party down.

  6. Thank you for sharing.  What a Saint she was.

    I get mine from Prayer and my love of Jesus

  7. I get my strength from myself.

  8. >>>Where do you get your spiritual strength for each day?


  9. The Holy Spirit

  10. I get my strength from the Bible, fellowshiping with God, and helping people.

  11. I get my strength from myself.

    "Let's just keep on, keeping on"

  12. Prayer and righteous living

  13. Three places, family, myself and nature.  

  14. In the arms of Mary foundation the daily message

    Regnum christi onlie gosple reading for the day and commentary -- as you know as catholics we have teh same readings each day througouhg thte world and every three years if we read the daily readings, we are through the entire Bible.  What's more we get a homily at mass expalining doctrine.  So, let no catholic say they do not know hte bible, we've heard it and had it explained to us since we were children.

    then the daily office.

    I try to get ot Mass each moring, becuase of a long commute I am not  necessarily able to do that.

  15. I lean on the Holy Spirit for my strength

  16. well, u asked an open ended question, so ill give u my answer!

    yes i am an atheist, but i hvae my spiritual side. Devoid of Gods though it may be, I draw my "spiritual" strength from nature! In my eyes, nature is the law of the universe and therefore the closest thing to God. So in a tangential kinda way, perhaps i do draw my "spiritual" strength from "God".

    To me, spirituality has to do with oneness with nature.

  17. I get my strength from my search for truth.

    BTW, Mother teresa was a shameless fraud.

  18. From God

  19. Coffee, no cream, no sugar, no god or supernatural superstitions.

  20. Hi great person who once answered my Good (God) question.

    Sometimes when i feel tired I gain strenght for doing things from myself, within me, i use aura and re-create it, since I have learned how to use aura to obitain more strenght for running, doing home-works etc.

    God Bless You and be Happy, Happiness is key, faith is key, love is key!

    I love my Lord, Believe in him, but even after Eight months i have not, even once obitained a single sign from him that he is near me!


    God Bless You

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