
Where do you go to complain about the handling of a police investigation?

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Girlfriend came out of takeaway after works do and was called a "f****** L*****n" by some girls.GF and her friend ignored it,walked away but were followed by the 2 girls & several of their male & female friends.

She was pinned against a wall,punched & attacked by the 2 girls who threw her into railings,dragged her by her hair, kicked her on the floor & punched her repeatedly.When my gfriend eventually stood up,1girl came at her again so my girlfriend lashed out a very weak punch.

police came,arrested the 2girls(who kicked the police officers) & my girlfriend went to hospital where she had her head glued.She had 3 large scratches on her forehead,numerous bruises,painful jaw,hairloss,grabmarks & scratches(which have scarred).went to the police station 3 days later & SHE was arrested for affray and it is now going to crown court. in the magistrates court they showed the CCTV mid brawl but not the attack. my gf sat next to her attackers and had to give out our space left..!




  1. Get a lawyer

  2. You will definatly get a better answer than this but in the U.K  the DPS not sure what it stands for.

  3. I'm sorry that your girlfriend was attacked. I can also understand your anger that your girlfriend who was the victim, was arrested.

    Unfortuantely, we cops have to go on the evidence that we have at hand. It would appear that the CCTV evidence supports your girlfriend being charged, and I can bet that the girls who attacked your girlfriend (and their friends) are all stating that it was "mutual combat" rather than an unprovoked attack.

    What is obvious to you, and your girlfriend isn't obvious to us..with the evidence that we have. That's why we cops don't determine guilt or innocent, we only investigate, and if we can show there's a case to answer we make an arrest, so a court can decide.

    As for the treatment in the courthouse, I would complain to whomever runs the courthouse and not the police.

    Good luck.

    EDIT-Sorry I missed your additional information. Have your attorney request the entire CCTV tape showing all the incident.

    Report the unprofessional behavior to the officers superiors. If you don't get anywhere go to the media with a copy of the tape.

  4. Get your girlfriend to a good solicitor who should be able to point all this out.

    She should also find out (the solicitor) what independent eye witnesses ( not friends with either party involved) are available.

    But really a good solicitor should have pointed out that the CCTV footage started halfway through.

    I know that if you get in touch with citizens advice they will be able to tell you who to make a complaint about the police to.

    I think its something like Independent Police Commission but don't take it as gospel.

  5. mate sorry to say this but its a losing battle they look after their own!

  6. I am very sorry to hear that your girlfriend has been through such a trauma. You could ask the Professional Standards Depatment of your local Police Force to investigate the behaviour of any Officers involved. I know it's the Police investigating themselves, but it's the best that is available at the moment. I don't think it's right that your address was given in Court, but unfortunately this is how the law works. Your solicitor should be able to find evidence of the actual attack. They normally employ private detectives to seek out witnesses etc. Good luck to you both.

  7. Try this it might help

  8. go to the district attorneys office but if they are involved with the local police and this case then go to your states attorney general   find a lawyer and ask advice

  9. Sounds like a right hash has been made based on what you have described.  I would suggest contacting your local Police to ask to speak to the duty Sergeant to make a complaint.

    I would also make contact with your solicitor and the local CPS to advise them that you don't think the investigation has been handled correctly.

    If you have no joy there then you can go to the independent police complaints commission who will investigate for you.

    Good luck

  10. Forget it!,...They are all p**s*ing in the same pot,..they are ALL bent and so far up there own ars*es they don,t what is going on in the real world!

  11. In Britain its like this. You have to complain to the same force over their handling. They investigate themselves and find themselves not guilty. Then the IPCC concurs with the force.

    You lose.

    The end.

    For once i agree with IanUK.

  12. Log on to the Department of Justice in your state or go to  and look under attorney general or law enforcement.  You have witnesses and I hope pics of your gf's injuries.  You should contact a lawyer, don't even bother with the public (pretender's) defender's office. They work for the D.A. There is also a website I've found helpful called Also call the ACLU about that giving out your address sh**.  Good luck, and don't roll over for them. If your right, fight!  oops, sorry, looks like your in england or what, can't help ya there.

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