
Where do you go to find out about motorcycle races?

by Guest58473  |  earlier

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I think my little girls father is racing motorcycles. She wants badly to see him, cries about no knowing him. He lives in Ohio and that is too far away. I know he has been to races much closer in the last year. It would make her so happy to meet him.

I think he is racing a kawasaki or that type of bike.




  1. Go online or to your nearest dealer and get a Motorcycle News magazine.That has a lot or most of your annual events.That is the name of the magazine.......Motorcycle News.

  2. Is it james stewart hahahhahah

  3. Try

  4. Try a bit of name dropping someones bound to have heard of him

  5. find out the name of the track you think he may be racing at or have raced, they post results of the races the hold, if he is am, you may not find him on those big league results.

  6. Most of my race results, especially motocross and supercross comes to me via email from O'Neill other than that, I get it from the AMA which is the American Motorcyclist Association web site. There web address is The home page usually has some stories.

  7. If you think he is still fairly local. try asking anyone in the area who ownes a motorcycle if they have heard of him or knows anyone who has. it may be easier to track him down than the racetrack your looking for. Local riders usually know the local racers.

    Good luck tracking the girls father, I hope you find him

  8. Why not just ask the girls father.

    Im sure he would love for his little girl to him race.

    Sorry to be blunt, but we dont know you, or him.

  9. Try going to the site which is the governing body of motorcycling in america and then look up the clubs directory that is on that site.  That will give you bike clubs in the areas you mean and you may be able to go to their websites and see the race results.  You may spot the name you are after that way.

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