
Where do you go to get some peace?

by  |  earlier

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There's a steep ravine at the bottom of my garden which is covered in beech woodland, I go there with the dogs for some peace and calm, I can watch the sunlight filtering down through the leaves. Even in winter its a calming if wet place to go.Where do you go??Even if you dont have access to a green place, do you go to the library,your bedroom??




  1. I have to have GREEN and the sound of water........ I set myself up with a shady retreat in the backyard with a pond, waterfall, swinging hammock chair and enclosing fence..... ahhhhhhh!!....there's enuff green left back there,  even in winter , to keep me sane..... but if not there, then one of the nearby places , state parks, with the same to offer... waterfalls and green....

  2. I go swimming, its so relaxing then in the sauna. this takes me away from everythin, i concentrate on the amount of lengths i want to do then when i have achieved it i feel so good!

  3. The bathroom and lock the door

  4. on a lake,in my boat,flyfishing.

  5. The bath

  6. Any place that is quiet , even if you have to lock yourself in the bathroom ,, I no longer have that problem as my children are grown so i have lots of time to get close to the Lord .. But any corner you can use tell everyone it is your space and your time

  7. It depends how anxious I am not to be found. Usually the potting bench in the shed. Sometimes the lean to greenhouse behind the shed or the inside of the weeping mulberry. If I really don't want to be found I go to...(It's a secret:-)

  8. Get a sandpit and bury your head in it works for me!!!!!!!

  9. I go and get full body massages. Not only do have peace but it relaxes me also.

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