
Where do you go to get your idea made into a product?

by  |  earlier

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I have designed the mother of all mobile phones !

I want to make it !! Where should I go ?




  1. now, do some test marketing via research.

    but, how do you protect yourself?  V good question. YOU do so

    with a non-disclosure statement you get possible helpers to sign but

    what if they will not sign?  That gives you a problem!

    U can send me a biz plan without the unique specifics but

    I am not sure how to guide you without signing a ND and I am not

    an engineer..........

  2. U need to get a patent before u show it to anyone else. It's the safest thing to do otherwise someone else will do it and it will become theirs.

    Use Internet Explorer...copyrights and patents.

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