
Where do you hit someone to get a instand knockout?

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Where do you hit someone to get a instand knockout?




  1. between the ear and the chin....i think....

  2. Stand in your normal boxing stance. Power punchers generally keep their lead (left) foot closer to square with their right than straight punchers.

    Do the following simultaneously:

    Plant your back (right) foot and keep it there. This foot will never move.

    Shift your left foot onto the toe and twist leftward as if you are stamping out a cigarette.

    Lower your left arm and c**k it at a ninety degree angle in a parallel plane to the floor.

    Twist your torso to the left.

    Keep your right hand at the chin as a guard.

    Then do the following simultaneously:

    Starting with the legs, unwind your slightly twisted body while twisting your left foot on its toe to the right.

    Use all of the force you can muster to unwind your torso.

    Keep your chin down (always) and your head facing forward. Ideally, your head will stay in the same place throughout the duration of the punch.

    Keep your left arm locked at a 90-degree angle.

    Strike your opponent squarely on the chin.

    After the point of impact, your energy should be completely expended. Don't twist so much that you fall over. Maintain your balance.

    Quickly twist back into your normal stance. It will feel fluid and fast. You are very vulnerable to a straight right (a knockout punch) after you have thrown a left hook.

  3. To get an instant knockout, you have two choices. 1. This is my favorite, you punch their ear. The ear controls the body's balance. If you hit it hard enough, they will lose concsensnes.

    2. You can punch them in the temple. Be careful though, it can kill someone.

  4. This is very simple there is no basic stance , no special punch,  knockouts come from being hit on the chin, on the body, on the top of the head which in fact he who does knockout someone by hitting them in the hardest part of the head is a very dangerous puncher. THE KNOCKOUT COMES GUYS GET.... THIS IS BY THE PUNCH YOU NEVER SEE!!!!! That is why boxers set their opponent up. If I had to pick a spot of  percentage it would be the"soft spot" which is the chin. Guys if there was an instant way to get KO's  Kelly Pavlik would have knocked out Taylor again or heavyweight fights would all in dramatic fashion.

  5. it seems that temple, ear, jaw etc are the most popular answers here, and rightfully so, when you see a big knockout on TV, it's usually a head shot.

    but since the head is defended so cautiously in boxing, and the skull is designed to protect the brain....if you want a 100% sure thing knockout against a defending opponent, learn to box left handed fellas.

    see, most of your liver is located on the right side of your body.  if your liver is hit flush, you feel a strange pain in your body, appear to recover, then fall flat on your face.  your liver has only your skin protecting it.  look it up.

    look up some of the best left handed body punchers and you will see lots of ko's on thier record, because they pounded a righty's liver all night.

  6. I think that's a bad concept when it comes to fighting.  I recall my best friend getting jumped in a parking lot.  His assailant landed an instant knock type punch, but it only rung his bell.  The other dude dropped his hands assuming my friend would fall over...instead, my friend drilled him back and pounded him into the concrete, leaving him for dead in a parking lot.  

    The point is, if that's your goal, a one punch knockout, what do you do if it doesn't come?  You'll be lost.  It's an oversimplification, but a fight is basically assaulting your opponent until he stops moving.  Rarely does that come in instant form.  I realize I haven't answered your question, but I think the point is still a good one:  don't keep your eggs in one basket.

  7. aim for the temple its the thing right next to the eye

  8. i would have to say straight jab to the chin, a nice upper-cut, or a hook will do the job.  but yea aim for the chin, get that head to whip back and you're in for a knockout.

  9. Left hook to the jaw or temple.....

  10. Ive never played boxing but I do watch boxing alot. And what

    I see is you knock them down by hitting the head with power punches.and also you should hit the ribs so lower his power down.

  11. The important thing is to cause sufficient concussive force against the brain.  A good jolting hook at the jaw is a good shot to use.

  12. the jaw is the best way to go and the temple but for a body shot go for the liver they will go down easy

  13. Right square in the nards.  That should do it.

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