
Where do you kick the horse when horse riding?

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When horse riding where do you kick the horse when you want it to start moving. E.G. when i was horseriding i wanted the horse to move into a walk from a halt so i kicked it but it didnt respond and when i want it to go faster e.g. walk to a trot it still doesnt respond. I'm not sure im kicking it in the right place. Please help




  1. Right behind the girth, but also make a clicking noise with your mouth and say walk on. make sure your reins are loose enough your not too heavy in your seat


  3. You kick the horse when the horse jsut stays in one place. =]

    Im prett y sure. Havent had much experience.

  4. You 'kick' where your legs naturally fall (i.e just behind the girth) . But it sounds to me like you were riding a stubborn slow old horse !

  5. Is this horse young or old.  If it is young it may not have enough training to let it know that it needs to move away from leg pressure, I would then really recommend a trainer.  

    If it is older you may have an iron sided horse that is so used to being kicked it stopped caring, but you still shouldn't have to kick it but give it leg pressure to move it foward.  It may respond to a walk on command combined with leg pressure, maybe giving it some "smooches" or "clicks".

  6. you should never kick a horse you give it lots of kisses, squeeze with your heels and tell it walk or trot and if they still don't do you pop them with the rains and say pop when you do it cause the next time you say pop they know to move

  7. You shouldn't be kicking ANY HORSE, period, unless you want to have the animal bolt or buck on you, and wind up on the ground !! Most horses respond well to a simple squeeze, or perhaps a light tap on the rump with a crop or whip if they are lazy. Voice commands, such as "walk on" work well with many horses too. When you squeeze, you should be using your calf muscles, and do this right behind the girth on your saddle.  Kicking a horse is always out of order- even if you are disciplining the animal.

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