
Where do you ladies like to buy makeup brushes? I love Sephora but its too spendy for me.?

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When I buy brushes from the drug store the hairs always come out. Any tips?





    I like the brushes and they aren't bad, especially for the money.

  2. I usually just buy mine from the drug store...or sometime i use art mother's an artist. she gives me all her unused ones teeheee.

  3. Go to the art store or the art section of your local big box store and invest in a set of artist's brushes. With care and regular cleaning they'll last a long time and provide a lot more precision.

  4. I go to Wal-Mart.  They're always cheap.

    Answer mine;...

  5. I know you said the drug store brushes hair comes out but if you buy a set of them from a popular name brand they might be better. I have this one set from Rite-Aid and I've had it from like 2 years and haven't had any problems with it. I'll find the name for you. The name is Sonia Kashuk. I don't know how popular the brand is but it works good. The set I have came with 6 brushes and it was only like $7.50 I thought it was a really good deal for the quality.

  6. Try Sonia Kashuk from Target.  It's affordable and lasts with proper care.  

  7. Sally's. I got my foundation brush there for $9... way better than the $30 at Macy's

  8. um idk i like macys and i like pharmacys!!! lol

  9. MACYS

  10. I like the Quo brushes from shoppers drug mart. They are $10 each.

  11. Well, you can buy a $25 brush from Sephora that will last you three or four years (with proper care).

    Or, you can by an $8 brush that you will need to replace in 6 months.

    The money you save with a better brush is worth the dip into your bank account for right now.

  12. You don't have to have expensive brushes. You can get some really soft nice ones at your local discount store, grocery store or drug store. Examine the package closely and make sure there are not loose little brush fibers that have fallen out of the brush while it was sitting in the store. If you see that, you know the brush sheds. Don't buy that one.  

  13. Makeup counters in department stores sell makeup brushes individually or in sets. Occasionally when buying makeup you can score brushes as a 'freebie'. Happy searching.

  14. wal-mart has alot of name brand makeup for alot less money...


    nordstroms makeup company is changing the name, so everything is $1

    i am not kidding, report me if you want, but i swear on my life, not a gimmick.

    i have the makeup brushes if you want pictures

  16. target or wal-greens

  17. i love mine from avon

  18. Sallys

  19. try ordering from mary kay.

    their products last forever and work

  20. My local Bed Bath & Beyond just finished a new makeup and beauty section. It's huge! And you can find a bunch of quality, yet cheap, brushes. That's where I got all of mine.  

  21. MAC cosmetics make the best brushes but if you think Sephor is too expensive i guess MAC is out of the question.

    Drug store dont use synthetic hairs so thats why they fall out. Always make sure the hair in the brushes are synthetic. Before you use a new brush wash it with a gentle shampoo and conditioner to prevent the hairs from falling out.

  22. actually, michaels craft stores have really good, non-expensive for the most part and they are just like the brushes you could find at sephora.

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