
Where do you like to travel

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i'm planning a trip but i want to no where to go?




  1. After travelling the world with the Navy for 20 years, the best place I have ever visited is New Zealand.

    The country is the best by far for scenery, things to do, adrenalin sports and the list goes on.  Such a small country with so much packed in.

  2. Cancun,'s great and cheap. You will have the time of your life. Beautiful blue, turquoise waters, and white powder sands and a nightlife that is out of this world. You can get a week all-inclusive...which is air, hotel, all the alcohol/food you want at the resort for around $800-$1600 depending on what hotel you stay in.  I go three times a year and spend only $900 each time for a week.  I highly recommend it!  good luck in whatever you choose!

  3. I love Alaska. Absolutely love it. If I died there, I'd be content. Its such a beautiful land, not yet ravaged by the government's mad dash for recourses. There are so many things to do, like kayaking and exploring, and the people there are usually quite friendly and helpful. Sure it isn't for people who hate the cold, but it actually isn't really that cold in the summer. It's about 60 to 70 degrees in summertime, and the amazing landscape makes it worth the drop in temperature. I personally love Orca sighting. A good thing about it is that it is part of America, and you don't need a passport to get there. You don't have to struggle with language either, because everyone speaks english. Its an awesome place to have an adventure that you would not be able to have anywhere else on earth, and you can experience amazing things you wouldn't back at home. Plus, they make awesome fish. Lol to the guy below me, I live in New York, it gets old pretty fast if you live here...

  4. New zealand wood be a great place 2 go to

    its great forcamping

  5. Italy and Turkey..

  6. I want to go to disneyland!!!!

    so the most important question is..WHO WANTS TO BUY ME A TICKET? lmao

  7. Well here are some options

    New York City (I live here), USA

    Playa Del Carmen ,Mexico



    Hawaii, USA

    Hong Kong,China

    But remember everyone is different try to be more specific about what you like

  8. New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Spain

  9. go to amsterdam  

  10. There are two places I would love to go. The first one is New York City and the second one Bali, even though they are both such different holidays!

    I would like to visit NY because everyone says it is fantastic! I would love to shop at Macy's- it is 11 stories tall! I would also love to visit Times square and go to the toy shop- it has a ferris wheel right in the middle! There is also a famous chocolate/lolly shop and a mnm shop!! Everything is so much cheaper to buy in America than over here!

    I would also love to visit Bali, I would be able to stay there a lot longer because it is quite a bit cheaper than america! All you do all day is swim in the pool or at the beach and shop! You can get manicures and your hair braided really cheap and you are always really relaxed!

  11. You are so jaded that you don't know where to go?  Or you have so many choices that you've never been to, that you just can't choose?

    Either way, I'm jealous.  I went to St. Louis this year.  Not terribly exotic!  

    My favorite is Spain, but that's because I know what to do, where to go, how to communicate, and can do so much more in depth than most other places.  Want advice on what to do and see?  email me with your interests and I can suggest a detailed description.

    For anything else, I would go anywhere where the food is good, there are pretty scenics, and a medieval castle!  (next trip is planned for in - depth France!)

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