
Where do you noticeably loose weight first? Last?

by Guest58141  |  earlier

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I know that you cannot isolate where you loose weight. However, when loosing weight, what parts of you are noticeable first? Does one part of your body start to look smaller first, or does everything happen at once?

I heard somewhere that your face looks "thinner" first, but I am unsure if that is true.

I am assuming it varies from person to person, but I am looking for an average.

I'm female, aged 17. 5'5" Medium frame, and weighing 170-180 pounds with a goal of 120-130 pounds.




  1. i lost 135 pounds in my divorce. that was pretty fast. and i don't miss her at all!

  2. I lost weight first in my face, chest, and then stomach.

  3. The first place you lose weight is the last place you gained wait. So if you got a rounder face last, then you will see it in your face first. If you gained it in your chest last, then you'll lose it there. Generally, you may have a combo of "last places" so you may notice it here and there. For example, thighs and arms.

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