
Where do you place your napkins when you leave the table for a short time?

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Where do you place your napkins when you leave the table for a short time?




  1. I place mine on the chair seat.

  2. on your neighbors lap.

    no jk.

    on the table

  3. on the table next to your plate

  4. On the table to the right, precisely 1.234 inches away from any remaining unused silver ware

  5. I'd fold it in half and slip it under my plate.  That way it is out of view to the others you're dining with.

  6. I fold it and place in on the table over the remaining silverware.

  7. I have left it on my table and came back, found it draped on the chair by the wait staff.

  8. next to your plate on the right

  9. on the table.. to the left...

  10. If it is a cloth napkin place it to the left or right of you plate folded or gathered together into a point.  Alternately you can also place it on your chair if the table is cluttered.  

    If it a paper napkin leave it on the table only.

  11. on your chair

  12. i take it to the leave it mext to the plate on the right

  13. On the table.

  14. i put it on my chair. no one wants to see your dirty napkin on the table lol

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