
Where do you prefer to have some coffee??? STARbucks or THE COFFEE bean??

by  |  earlier

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wher does coffee blend has a great taste out of the two cafe"....

and suggest some coffee shop too.. thanks




  1. Starbucks is horrible. Coffee Bean is almost as bad. I prefer Peets Coffee or independant places.

  2. i dont like starbucks. too high priced for the amount of coffee. coffee bean for the burst of caffine, starbucks for most foam per cup.

  3. Coffee bean

  4. i'm boycotting Starbucks

  5. Starbucks. It just tastes better. Out of all the coffees i've tried this is my number one. Tim hortons takes on number 2.

  6. Most definitely not Starbucks, overpriced coffee schmucks, and Coffee Bean I've never heard of.

    Either Tim Horton's or a local coffee shop here or I do my own coffee ritual at home

  7. starbucks

  8. dont have one in central jersey!

  9. Starbucks all the way!

  10. Coffee Bean. Actually, the local coffee shop. They're cheaper and just as good!

  11. Starbucks!!!

  12. starbucks :-)

  13. starbuck's

  14. the coffee bean.

  15. My cappuccino on my patio.

    Those places are way overpriced

  16. coffee beans

  17. The Coffee Bean. I love the smoothness of their espresso. Its full flavored, rounded and doesnt leave a bad after taste.

    I believe they are only located on the West Coast.

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