
Where do you put baby when you go in the bathroom?

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Ok, so the bouncer is too small for my 10-month old! What do you moms do? Just keep him in the crib when I'm in the shower?




  1. I used to have to wait for my sons to nap before climbing into the shower.  My oldest HAD to have a visual on me anytime he wasn't asleep, so I had to wait.  My youngest was a bit easier but at 10 months, I had to put him in his crib with some toys.  I'd keep the monitor with me in the bathroom so that I could hear when he started to fuss.  It's a balancing act for sure!

  2. Bring him in the shower with you. That's what I do if Daddy is not home or just because.

    Assuming your shower is clean, he can sit in the tub and play with toys or a bucket of water, etc. while you shower and if he needs cleaning, you can do him next.

  3. Whatever works.

    I *ahem* may have got hubby to put my son in the playpen with is breakfast during the last few months of my pregnancy when I just couldn't get up early anymore.  He'd wake up slowly, eat, watch TV (gasp) and we'd get an extra hour of sleep.  He was 17 month-ish?

    Some kids also like showering with mom (I hate that they are so slippery)



  4. if you have a playpen put the baby in there

  5. sarah who is 6 months either is napping when I take a shower, or daddy is home. When I clean or go to the potty myself, she is usually downstairs crawling/scooting around. She is mostly content doing her lil scoot exercises while I do my daily routine. I guess I'm just lucky.

    At 10 months, I would wait for their nap time, or place him in the crib, or pak and play , somewhere, where he cant get out while you take a shower or what not. At that age they are everywhere.  

  6. When my husband deployed overseas when our oldest was 10 months old, I would always put him in the Exersaucer at first.  Then, I learned that it was just easier and faster to put him in the bath tub with me.  That, or I didn't get a bath.

    To your edit..... I don't know if your son is the same way but both of my boys are in their best mood first thing in the morning and always have been.  If that's the case for you, he would probably be perfectly fine in his crib while you take a quick shower.  I, personally, would bring the baby monitor in the bathroom so that I could hear and not have to worry.

  7. Exersaucer is too big?  That's what I use for Johnny right now.  Once he gets too big for that, I'll most likely let him crawl around in the bathroom.  There's not much he can get into in there.  Or roll the pack and play near the door and shower w/the door open.  

  8. Shower during nap time.

    With regular bathroom visits, put him in a porta-crib or a play yard.

  9. Yeah, I'd recommend a playpen in or near the bathroom

  10. My baby girl is 5 months, if it's just the two of us at home I would wait to shower until my Husband gets home. If my 7 year old is home and my baby girl is asleep in her crib then I would jump in the shower really quick and have him keep an eye out just in case she gets cranky and wants her bottle. In that case I would shower no more than 5 minutes.  

  11. you will not harm your baby at all by leaving him in his crib for 10 mins while you get a shower. failing that, take him into the bathroom with you and lay him on the floor play peek-a-boo with the shower curtain.

  12. I always brought my daughter in with me and let her play on the tub floor with her bath toys while I showered...I would also put her in her exersaucer in the bathroom or playpen in the bathroom so she could see me, id play peekaboo with the shower curtain...we have a really big bathroom so sometimes i would even put a towel down with some of her toys on it and let her play and i just kept an eye on her that she wasnt getting into anything...i think there was once or twice that she was really into a show and i got to sneak into the shower, but she usually follows me....

    hope this gives you some ideas,

    good luck :o)

  13. I always took a shower with the baby of that age, or waited until baby was napping, or took a shower before baby woke in the morning.  

  14. When i need to go to the bathroom i give my daughter to my mom if shes not here i take Destiny with me, as for a shower i stick her in the carseat and put her on the bathroom floor, or just take her in the shower with me

  15. Yeah my son goes into the crib, or with my brothers, if they're there.

    But now that I switched to days, I try and get in and out of the shower, and even dressed before he wakes up.

    But before then he would play in his crib.

    When my little brother was real small, he is 13 years younger than me and when he was able to sit, he would go right in the shower with me..on the floor, and just play. LOL maybe a little strange to all you but it was easier.

  16. I have to confess, I'm one of the horrible moms who puts my daughter in her swing and a baby einstein movie in the dvd player. She absolutely adores her 1/2 of music and puppet characters in the morning and I adore the 1/2 hour of calm and quiet!

  17. I have an 'Exersaucer' in my bathroom; works quite well.

  18. Anywhere that he would be safe... in his crib, a playpen, a jumperoo if you have one. I try to shower during nap time or after bedtime, but it's not always possible. If your bathroom is safe, you could bring him in there with you with a few toys. Have you ever tried bringing him in the shower with you? My daughter loves the shower, gets her clean, elminates the need for her to have a separate bath, and saves me some time!

  19. I don't shower unless there is someone else home that can watch my son. If I need to shower because I have to go to town or something i'll leave the door open and put his playpen right outside the door. That way I can hear him and I just peek out every couple of minutes and make sure he is fine.

  20. i used to bring his highchair into the bathroom with me and give him some chopped up fruit so it kept him amused while i was in the shower, i didn't really feel at ease if i left him on his own downstairs even if he was sleeping because when u are in the shower u cant hear as well xx  

  21. Some mothers keep the baby in the crib while they shower.

    Some mothers keep the baby in playpens.

    Others wait till someone can watch the baby.

    Some mothers actually shower or bathe with their babies

    It really all depends on how you want to handle it and feel most comfortable. With me, I'm not comfortable leaving my son by himself. (even though he's only 3 months old) I would probably have him in the bathroom with me somehow.

  22. He actually loves the shower and we have a pretty big one. On a couple of occasions, when no one else was home to watch him, I have brought him in and let him sit in his rubber ducky bathtub and splash around in the water. I get clean and he has fun.  

  23. If baby was awake, I would put her in the crib or pack-n-play.  If she was sleeping, I'd leave her wherever she was at.  You learn to shower very quickly with little ones around.  Another idea is to get up before or stay up later at night so you don't have to worry abotu where your son is.

  24. My son is 11 months old and when I just have to use to potty, I leave him in the living room or his room to play but he usually follows me and sits outside the door. I wait to take showers when my husband is home in the evenings because it just makes things easier when I know he is being watched and I don't have to worry about him waking up.

  25. Bring in any of those devices to the bathroom (exersaucer, etc.) - or create a safe place for him/her to play on the bathroom floor with toys.

  26. I put my daughter in her playpen. If she cries a little bit I just keep showering b/c it only takes me like 5 or 10 min to jump in and wash up really fast. I always try to wait for her to fall asleep then I run and jump in there. So almost always I can get away w/it but she has been known to wake up while I was in there. Hey, you gotta get clean. Lol

  27. Well, at ten months, I either waited till naptime, then took a shower, or, since it was my daughter, I took her with me.  


  29. If I am the only one home and I need a shower I take a few toys into the bathroom and put her in there with me.

    If it's just to use the bathroom she goes in with me as well.

  30. I sometimes put my 11 month old in the walker in the bathroom with me when I shower..we also have a Playzone. Its like a huge Baby gated circle..takes up the whole living room..and sometimes he will stay in there when I shower and I leave the door cracked a bit. Good luck!

  31. I used to put the exersaucer ( not what ours was called but similar) in the bathroom with me if my son was awake otherwise I would shower when he was sleeping or if someone was home to keep an eye on him.

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