
Where do you see the economy headed?

by  |  earlier

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I lost my job yesterday after over a year of working as a sales manager for a cstore master wholesaler. We called on distributors who called on c stores. Because of high gas prices, indian trade and various other problems the company let all their sales force go. They have massive clash flow issues cant ship orders complete and will not extend credit to anyone relying on credit cards as method of payment. The company is in a horrible mess.

They lured me from another comany where I was sucessful with false promises of great reward.

I'm proud to report as of an hour ago I have secured a job with my old employer back out as a road saleman. Its a small pay cut but beats the heck out of starving and with some hard work I can rebuild this new territory on comission. Was it wrong to go back? Is things going to get better? Should I use this just as a temporary job? Just a whole bunch of tension and worry from someone who would be sinking fast with the bills I have an unemployment and my parttime job Id perish fast.




  1. Until people realize they are living beyond their means and stop it, it is headed for disaster. What part of NO I Don't Need That! Do Americans not understand.  

  2. It's great that you could get a job in this market. Congrats. I think you definatley made the right decision.

    The answer to your question is that eventually things will get better, but most likely they will first get worse. While the government has been trying to prevent a recession, it is most likely that such a recession is or will occur soon. My estimate would be that within the next six to eight months things will turn around and the economy will greatly improve. Good luck and hope this helps a little. Try your best to relax.

  3. The Night that he never came home was the night that the wold was lost in the ocean of its own lies seemingly harmless depletion of what makes the world unique will be lost forever to the man who grew wealthy and never came home...

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