
Where do you see the most about global warming/climate change/save the… on a day to day basis?

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do you see it most when you turn on the tv everyday on the streets what people say what they wear please help me answer the question.

pick one or two palces you see the idea or propaganda(your choice) of climate change the most and quotes that you see/hear please not just "think green"

top answer gets 10 points

just answering gets 2 points

total possible for answering 12 points




  1. My back yard. I live above the Arctic circle.

  2. My personal experience.

    Go outside or travel.  Places I used to visit where glaciers are pretty much gone, pine beetles wiping out entire forests the sizes of countries because there hasn't been a freeze for 20 years, lack of snow or masses of snow where it shouldn't be, no rain or too much rain, no water in lakes and streams, no masses of frogs like I used to see,  etc., etc.

    I don't need TV to see this I just experience it almost daily where I travel.

    As for propaganda ask yourself this:

    What do politicians and corporations have to gain by denying that global warming is a reality?

    What do independant scientists have to gain by claiming global warming is a reality?

    Think about that.  There is no way people can actually still believe that the human condition is not having a massive impact on the planet in a negative way.  Wait until you've lived half a century and remember back to your childhood and the conditions that existed then and compare them.   No amount of media can change that perspective.

  3. I see the most about global warming in the daily newspaper.  As for propaganda, well it has to be from the Government !!


  4. in my garden

    here on the internet.

  5. BBC News, Science/Nature section

    NPR News, Science Friday

  6. Hi, i dont think there is such a thing as global warming, its just made up by politicians to get ahead in office.  If there was a thing such as global warming why am i freezing right now in April in Illinois?

  7. local tv news

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