
Where do you see youself 5 years from now.?

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Where do you see youself 5 years from now.?




  1. hopefully not staying up late at night answering yahoo.answers questions...

  2. married with children and a well-secured job. realistically, i see myself alone and miserable yet with a job

  3. My children are grown and I'm in the empty nest time of life. I chose to be at home when my children grew up, so now I want to spread my wings and fly a bit. I'm going to get classes to finish my English Degree. I've got to get two new knees, mine are shot. So, In 5 years I'll be recovered and more active than now. I will be working part time, writing some and possibly doing some really cool volunteer work.  I've been in counseling to deal with extreme abuse in childhood and in the past that abuse held me back. Within the next 5 years I will be beyond my past and its only point of reference to it will be if I can help someone else get past their past!  In 5 years I will be totally amazed at the new and different parts of my life!

  4. somewhere far away from were i am now i hope. Hopefully still with my girlfriend who should in that time have become my wife. a much larger bank account. but mainly far away from where i am now.

  5. lol i agree with

    but i see my self in my second year of medical schoool...hopefully attending loma linda med!!...

    and you?...why do you ask?...

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