
Where do you sign up to get a golf handicap if you are not a member of a club?

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Where do you sign up to get a golf handicap if you are not a member of a club?




  1. Go to golfhound . com for an unofficial but accurate index/handicap.  Good luck.

  2. Well actually you do have to be a member of a club to have a handicap, but the rules on what makes up a club are pretty flexible.  You can form one (without a golf course) with your pals if need be, or you can join at your local public course.  There is usually a very nominal ($10-$30) to sign up and then you can get a USGA handicap.

  3. Check with the local municipal course. There are ways you can receive a handicap and they most likely are the best source for information. You might also inquire through your state golf association.

  4. It would probably be more beneficial to you if you join a club because if you're serious enough to want a handicap, then why not do it officially?? Then you can compare yourself to everyone else and it motivates you to improve. Not to mention it's much cheaper becoming a member than paying green fees everytime you play.

  5. Technically, you have to be a member of a club.  A lot of courses have clubs though.  Usually you just have to pay a fee and get a HC as well as invites to play in tourneys and stuff.

    Also, there are online clubs that you can sign up in order to get a HC.  I can't remember where to look offhand, but try  I know they have a way to do it. also has a way.

    But just look around online, there are other places that you can sign up to be a "member" of their club and qualify for a HC.

    Or, like I said, most courses have a club you can sign up for to qualify.

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