
Where do you stand on the issue of polution?

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What do you do that harms it? What do you do to save it? What do you think about global warming? What do you think about polution in general? What do you feel towards people who polute excessivley and unneccesarily? What do you feel towards people who know lots about polution but continue to do it excessively with out a care in the world? why?

Thank you.




  1. i dont necessarily worry about global warming, but i do think that being wasteful, or polluting is bad... just because it's intrinsically wrong to waste perfectly good resources, and it's morally wrong to pollute or contaminate something that you have to share with other people. its simple : clean up after yourself, and try not to make messes. (kind of like anyplace you go)

  2. I am mindful of it on a daily basis.  I always separate my recyclables.  I'm known for picking recyclables out of the trash can, rinsing them off, and placing them in the recycle bin.  When I open a can or jar, I rinse it out and place it in the recycle bin.  I stick my used aluminum foil in the dishwasher and reuse it until it's time to recycle.  I use SIGG reusable metal water bottles instead of plastic and I use my own shopping bags instead of taking the plastic ones from the stores.  I don't own and AC and I've never even turned on my heater (I've lived in this house for 7 years)  I work within one mile of my home and do multiple errands at once.  I drive a fuel efficient car and I don't wash my car unless the water is going to the sewer, not just down the street to pollute the beach.

    When I go to the beach and find that the sand has been used as someone's personal ashtray, I am pi**ed.

    The jury's still out on global warming, but I still want to breathe clean air and drink clean water.

  3. pollution is a necessary part of my life and yours - so why are you asking this?

  4. I intend to do all I can to contribute to global warming, to prove its non-existence.

  5. I hate pollution and I feel sad whenever I drive my car because I wish I had an electric car to reduce my own carbon footprints.

    I think about global warming all the time. In fact, I wrote a piece about global warming in my facebook profile. I dedicated my page to fight Global Warming because having clean air and safe planet means a lot to me.

    I believe that China and the United States are the major countries contributing the most carbon dioxide released into the air. Greedy corporates are doing nothing to stop their dirty black smoking going off of their factory buildings. The big three auto makers have a big responsibility. I live in Michigan and sometimes when driving on top of bridges, I see factors that keep pouring black smoke into the air. That makes me sick to my stomach because no one sees the imminent danger of continuing the use of oil and coal . So I do feel some antipathy towards companies that have the capability to move towards clean renewable energy to produce energy, bu feel at ease using oil destroying both the planet and the future of the United States. So this is a very personal for me and I am doing the best I can to help people realize what we are doing to the wild lives and to our own planet.

  6. Probably d**n close to a garbage dump, then again this is NY, NY

  7. humans arnt all to blame. no one ever thinks about how much volcanoes pollute(not to mention there at there most active). they pollute more than humans

    but we can still do something about it.

    we can still find alternative fuels.

    solar and wind are great. but ethonal is a horrible idea. why do you think food prices are so high? thats were our foods going

  8. The "solution" to pollution is dilution.

  9. I would have to say I use to much energy. I use market sacks to avoid plastic bags, however on the rare occasion that I do get them I give them to the local vegetable stand to re-use for their vegetable business. I set my A/C up and my furnace down, recycle everything and have done that for years. Short showers and shut down water when brushing teeth. I use earth friendly cleaners and have changed out all of the light bulbs. Whether you call it global warming or climate change it is obvious something isn't quite right. I think each country on this planet has to make a concerted effort to cut down on the pollutants they are adding to the air we must all breathe. Each country should be held accountable for their dirty deeds. I have a real problem with these SUV's and trucks that use endless amounts of fuel. Just because one has the money to purchase these vehicles and fuel them does not make it right. Corporations should be fined if they are in violation. We can do nothing about mother natures additives to this such as storms , volcanoes erupting and those types of things but we as humans have to have a lot more respect for this great place called Earth as we are all in this together.

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