
Where do you stand on this controversial topic...for or against?

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...messy face pictures?

I am personally for. And here is my most recent favorite.

Last night we had peas and pasta...Ben's favorite. He had more of it in his hair and ear then in his mouth.

Anyone else want to share any messy face pictures?

Stories are fine too? What's your baby's favorite messy food?




  1. Most definitely for...................

    She was trying peas for the first time. And ignore the crazy old highchair she's sitting in..we were visiting the grandparents...LOL

    One more!

    Of course, now that she is a toddler, she *hates* getting food on her. She's such a priss... :)

  2. HAAHAHA!!! I was thinking..."o great another question to start fights!"

    good one...I LOVE THE MESSY PICTURES, i hate messes but on his little face, they're precious!

    I dont have any pics here, Im working..BUt for some reason, Brody loves squash...ew LOL

    He'll eat anything I  give him..oh and bananas top them all. :)

  3. I knew I could count on you to put a smile on my face.  As soon as I read the question and saw it was you I thought  "OO this will be fun!"

    Anyways, here's Aaron.  Don't ask me why he looks so sad.  I think he knows how cute he looks with a pouty face.

  4. I think the messier the pic, the cuter it is!!!

    heres Dominick and his oreos! lol

  5. only parents think that baby's messy faces are cute.  the rest of us find it quite ridiculous.  thanks for asking.

  6. I love a messy face!! Unfortunately Alexia doesn't get very messy too often. She is a very neat eater for a 6month old! Yesterday she was eating peas, one of her favorites, and decided to go Exorcist on me! I wish I could have gotten the pic when she was grinning like crazy with the peas all down her chin. By the time I got the camera she had already started to touch the peas on her face.

    **Everyone who posted pics.. Beautiful babies!!!! So cute with their messy faces!!!

  7. I am for messy face pictures.   I am sure each of us have had a messy face  at one time that our parents thought so cute.


  9. i adore messy face photos!!

  10. I don't have an online photo account yet to share pictures so I will describe it. We have a picture of Landon eating red beans and rice with an Oreo cakester for dessert. He is covered from his hair all the way down his neck in red beans and black Oreo and he is grinning from ear to ear. So cute!

  11. Very PRO messy face...I let him eat his food how he wants...His new favorite messy food now would have to be pudding or spaghetti

    My Frankie Monster!

    He had some of my bday cake 2 months ago :) it was a hit

    and a few for when he first started out

    HIS bday cake



    Okay I know tons of pictures..but you asked :P

  12. Oh, totally against it.  Don't you know that breastfed babies don't get messy when they eat solids?  They also don't get dirty from playing outside.

    (kidding, I hope I didn't go too far there)

    Here's Mickey, meeting a piece of asparagus and a wheat roll for the first time:

    Suprisingly, not that messy.  I wish I had taken pictures of him eating watermelon the other night- that was a disaster!  He found it more entertaining to beat the watermelon, than to eat the watermelon.  It was in his hair, his ears, my hair, the wall...His tray was a pool of watermelon juice.

    I am lovin' this question!  We need more "controversey" around here!

  13. I don't know any babies who aren't messy! I am an advocate for the messy pic for many reasons! First of all it is adorable and you can use it against your kids when they get older!

  14. I'm Pro-Messy Face.  

    The pic above is the # 1 reason why Grandpa should NOT feed Johnny dessert.  :)

    Love Ben's pic!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  15. He's SOOOOOOO cute!My 6 month old brother had mangoes last night and they were orange so he had orange up his nose and all over his face!It's funny!And you can tell if my brother doesn't like his food!he makes this hilarious face!:)I luv baby stories!Thanks for asking that question!!!

  16. I'm all for messy face pictures.  See the pic below it's our carrot face picture :o)

    I have a pizza face one too -- but it's still stuck on my camera.

  17. for. I actually just took this pic this morning!! Olivia loves biter biscuits!

  18. I am so for it!

  19. i luv messy face pics!!! too cute...until it's my hubby with the messy face - then not so cute !!

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