
Where do you think I should I go?

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About 2 months back I hurt my foot playing football and it really really hurt at the time, so I stopped doing any sports for a week as I was too much pain anyway. When I started to play again, my foot would hurt from the tiniest kicks and even now (2 months later) it still hurts everytime I even slightly kick a ball. I think I may have messed it up myself by not letting it heal and playing more than I should have.

Should I go see a local GP or should I go to the hospital?

I Live in the UK by the way if it makes any difference.




  1. well clearly because you live in the uk then you might have damaged it, but if you lived in france it would be fine.. lol no but seriously, it could just be that youve torn a muscle or ligament in ure ankle/foot, its a common injury in football, and if its a ligament then youl continue to feel pain on and off when your walking or sitting aswell, the worst it could be is a hairline fracture, but id bet money on yo not playing football if it was that bad! but get it checked out and hopefully its just a strain :)

  2. Hi Ad H you should go and see your GP about it.  

  3. I had something simlar happen to my leg, I over excercised and pulled a muscle on the side of each calf. It took 2 months to recover, it hurt for ages even if I was just walking.

    But mine did go away. 2 months was a long time, you should get checked out by a doctor as its longer a wait for you. You could risk further damage, the last thing you need is even more damage. As it is your likely to get damage or strained muscles on the alternative leg or the same leg in upper parts of the leg while it compensates the muscles it cannot use effectivly.

    As its currently 4.30am (if your in the UK) I would wait to see the GP in the morning, first thing, dont play any footie before that- your are at risk of makeing it worse. Its not really a cause for A&E as they can xray, tell you whats up, but really, a&e are there to patch you up to tie you over to see your doctor. If you can walk to the bus/train/however you get to your GP, your not really going to get anything from a&e other then a walking stick. You can get this from your GP too, along with a referal which your a&e will just send you to your doctors to get anyway.

    If your really not sure still contact NHS direct (if your in the UK) 0845 46 47 who will chat to you about what is best.

  4. a local GP, they'll be able to tell you what exactly is wrong with your foot and tell you where to go for lol.

  5. I would go and speak to your GP and they will refer you to the relevant department whether that is to physio or x-ray dept. Hope all goes well for you. Good luck

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