
Where do you think that the last name Favela comes from?

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Please, I beg you not to send me 9,000 links. Just tell me if it sounds Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, ect.




  1. Not sure if you're asking where we *think* it's from, or where it really is from.  So I'll answer both.

    I would *guess* that Favela was Italian.  But it looks like I'd be wrong.  



    Spanish: of uncertain origin; possibly from a Visigothic personal name Fafila, or alternatively from a derivative of faba, a regional form of haba ‘broad bean’. Possibly in some instances, it could be based on Portuguese and Galician fabela ‘small plot’.

    Southern Portuguese (also Brazilian): topographic name from favela ‘slum’.

  2. i had a friend years ago with that last name- she was born and family all came from Mexico.

  3. Favela is a Portuguese word, meaning : ghetto.

    Slum or shanty town

    The first favela came from the head of a pig. In 1898, the Rio de Janeiro city government decided to demolish a tenement called Cabeça do Porco (Pig’s Head) that housed over one thousand people in the center of city. One quarter of the city’s population at that time lived in tenements- and the Pig’s Head tenement represented the unclean and unwanted in a city striving for European sophistication. The dislocated residents, mostly dock workers, occupied a nearby hill and built new homes from the rubble of the old. The first favela - Morro da Providência - like those that would follow, was the result of a serious shortage of affordable housing for low-income workers—and the government’s unwillingness or incapacity to provide that housing.

    Since Morro da Providência, hundreds of favelas have formed across the hills of Rio de Janeiro.

  4. Portuguese, but only because it is a Porto word to describe the neighbourhoods of Rio.

  5. I believe you asked this question a few days back.. but I'll repeat my answer.  

    ANY name can be found in different locations. You are looking for one single place as being "THE" ORIGIN, when that one place may not exist.  If I told you it "sounds" Italian and your ancestors were in fact from Spain, the sound or origin is meaningless.  The only accurate way is to find where your own ancestors came from.  What any of us think, is only a guess.

    Honest explanation (think about it)... no links.

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