
Where do you think the American economy is headed???

by  |  earlier

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I was just curious to hear what others feels about the economy and the increase of prices of food, gas, entertainment. I just can't believe the prices of everything, everytime I turn around it seems the prices are going up even at the movie the tickets are 12.00 a person, gas at 4.00 now I was wondering what people think it's going to go up to.




  1. I seriously don't think it's going back up. Our young society is rotting their brains on so much technology, while other countries like China still do it mostly the old ways, that's why they're beginning to take over the economic power. It's not up to the government, it's up to us, but people are becoming lazy. Besides, as a Christian, the Bible says that "great nations will fall" as a prophecy that might be fulfilled.

    History is about to take a HUGE turn!

  2. I think we are heading towards a recession.  Many of my friends feel we are there already there.  I think the worst is yet to come.  I've started to stock pile my funds, food, cancel some of my trips and planned expenses.  The recession won't affect my job (i hope), but other people should start to think of back up plans if they think they might be a product of down sizing.  One of my wealthier friends has converted some of his money in to european currency.

  3. inflation, unemployment, no more credit.

    how is the big "D"  word.  Depression

    food lines may not be far behind

    I have already cut out cable TV, no more restaurants,

    no new clothes,no snack foods. cutting my expense to only

    absolute necessities.i figure I can save $500 a month this way. In 3 months $1500.- I'll continue this until things improve. if the economy ever improves. it just might be too late for comfortable living in the us for the average american

  4. It's a pre-planned collapse.

  5. America,as much as I love it is going to continue to spiral downhill for many years due to global competition,our willingness to assume debt for any reason in order to maintain our high consumption lifestyle so as to provide willing voters for the politicians who refuse to say no to our immediate and short sighted whims.The wealthy have stored their nuts away for the long winter ahead without any regard for the common American;but,in fairness,the common American has lacked the incentive to change, instead he has opted to frivolously squander his wages by way of credit to indulge in wasteful practices of increasing consumption in a world of dwindling resources.Now,quite possibly,we reap the whirlwind if we do not embrace change immediately.

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