
Where do you think we go after death?

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No one knows for sure but what do you think? Dont just think heaven or h**l. If you have thought about something intresting or creative .. tell me. = )




  1. I think the human soul is a pinched - off piece of the Holy Spirit that was allocated to us at birth, and is wanted back. When we die, the soul goes back to God with a record of the events of our life.

    Till death do us part..


  3. wherever you want

  4. No one knows for sure where our spirits go. Anything you believe is just that...a belief, a hypothesis. It can't even be a theory because there is no way to research this. All we can have is faith. In other words, your guess is as good as mine.

  5. In Bagavat Gita, it says that the body is like dress. The SOUL  uses the dress until the dress gets old and spoiled and then the soul goes and occupies another body and the old body gets destroyed.

    The soul does not have any birth or death, neither old nor young, it has no pain or happiness, no hot or cols all the above occurs only to the body.

    Soul occupies any body in any creature and lives for ever. like the pain, happiness, feelings etc are felt but not seen soul is the one that controls everything and once it leaves man is zero and ceases to be anything.

  6. If you know when you're going to die, the rest of your life is going to transform into h**l b'coz you'll be counting how long you'll be living in this world. You must always remember one thing when you're born to this world you brought nothing along with you, you're born to achieve something, when you die you take nothing from this world along with you. The soul separated from our body will possess into another body to take a new generation. This cycle is perpetual till your soul reach enlightment. Why think about death while you're alive? No one knows what's beyond life. It's just a belief that there's heaven and h**l. Some say that heaven and h**l is within you.

  7. no where..

    you can't go anywhere your dead.

  8. Well Im positive on this one.Its heaven or h**l..Thats it..

  9. well thats an obvious answer if u believe in God, I mean if you r not a sinner u go to heaven if you r u go to h**l as simple as that....but many people thinks that da spirit still wondering while a couple of hrs of being dead ...

  10. I'm glad you asked me that!

    How many pages shall I write?

    Lets see if I can say this briefly:

    No one KNOWS the answer to that question, but the topic is addressed by every religion on Earth and my guess is NONE of them are correct! That includes me.

    Matter does not create LIFE. Therefore Life MUST create matter.

    If that is true, then life existed before the beginning of the physical universe.

    The universe is made up of four basic components and can not exist without them.

    They are physical matter/energy, time, and space.

    Life created all four components so life exists without them.

    If your physical body dies, you may stick around this physical universe, or you may leave it. (Could it be your option?)

    Being here gives you some interesting things to do.

    I don't know what happens if you leave. It does explain what "God" was doing all that time before he created the universe. There wasn't any time until he created it. To life, time has little significance.

    The Christian concept of heaven and h**l are stated in the manner they are because it was written to communicate to individuals who couldn't imagine something that wasn't physical. They (heaven and h**l) may exist, but not in a physical sense.

    I do believe the concept of Karma is for real, but the details are not understood. There is a price to be paid for bad behavior and rewards for good, so act accordingly. You'll have to work on figuring out the details for yourself!

  11. will go paradise for a good personality

  12. You'll go through your life, see everything right and wrong you've done. See those who hurt and those you hurt. Then maybe h**l or heaven. That's just what happen in my dream.. abit of fantasy xD hehe

  13. If you commit a suicide you soul will wander in the world.

    If you have murdered you soul will wander in the world again.

    If you have died accidentally you soul will depart from you dead body and will go to a man , he is not an ordinary man ,he has your full life record  and he will decide that your soul will go to heaven or h**l.I know its horrible to hear or see but its reality.

  14. Okay, here's your creative answer.

    Everyone, or so it is thought by every civilization on the face of the planet since the dawn of time, has a soul (chi, essence, what ever you call it.)

    Now, we know that all people carry an electric charge, positive, negative, or netural.

    It is my thought, that those with a postive charge live a postive life, and visa versa.  Those that go thru life with a care less out look are netural.

    Okay, so we know that opposites attract when it comes to magnetics.  We also know that the same charge repels each other.

    Okay, so here we go with the theory.  The Sun is a giant ball of fire, and also a strong postive pull.  So, those with a negative soul, once the soul leaves the body, will be pulled into the sun (ball of fire, h**l if you will).

    Those with a positive star will be push away from the sun and into the stars (heavens).

    Those with a netural charge, will remain here forever doomed to roam.

  15. if you believe in rebirth or reincarnation, your spirit supposedly stays on in this world to be, well, reborn.

    the theory of reincarnation has some backing by scientific evidence considering that no energy is ever lost or tossed out of the earth's energy cycle.

    there is actually a banned study from years and years back in which scientists weighed dying people just hours or minutes before they died and weighed them again minutes after. they found, miraculously, that in death the bodies of the deceased weighed several ounces lighter than they they did while alive. The scientists ruled out 'air' in general as a possibility, which left them to cautiously conclude that the missing weight must have been the people's intelligent thought... or their spirits. Do you agree with them? I'm not so sure but... =)

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