
Where do you think world is going right now?

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The reason I am asking this question is, everyone is so busy running in a rat race so hard that haven't got left any energy to stop and think about where they going or why are they doing it? It's like so much noise from outside that one hardly try to listen to there inner voice. Do you feel it's threatening your well being? Why is it everything so superficial, what happened to real people, are they really got lost in digital space or something? Where is peace? no dignity!!! Just me me me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. people who have money to buy food eat and those who dont have starve

  2. The world is going to experience very great suffering and very great changes from about 2010 AD.

  3. i think most of us are going to have the 5 o'clock tea......

    (wanna join?


  4. Where is the world going right now, you ask?!

    TO h**l IN A HAND BASKET!  


  5. Yes the digital world has a lot to answer for the humming minds of millions being in a fantasy world and ignoring the sounds on the birds, rivers and other natural living things.

    I like living in the country.

    My little town has enough people so that you'd be missed after a week or 3 ifnot seen around, someone would be asking if someone had seen you. Checking with your friends to find out if you were ok.

    Of course this really means letting people know if you decide to go on a inner treat of solitude for  spell.

    It really is a very blissfull life living in a tiny country town. I recommend it to everyone.

    Get out of the city, take your friends with you and start to grow a vegie garden.

  6. This is why I am going to visit a Zen monastery one day, to ponder questions like this.

    But, right now, I am going to work.

    I think that overall, governments and corporations that really run things look at the short term and not longer term, because to do otherwise imposes unacceptable costs on someone and no one wants to bear the cost of putting the world on a more sustainable course, in any sense of sustainability.

  7. The course is static, its orbit, while waiting for the Dooms Day, but, the life will be going worse and worse as the density of this planet increases significantly.Some natural resources exploited wildly for the need of more more modern people.

  8. The world has sped up, it's spinning faster than ever before, and it's going to "wobble" on Dec. 21, 2012.  This shift will move us into the Age of Aquarius, the age of enlightenment.  People are becoming more and more frustrated, because what we've been told to be, isn't.  And the more people are discovering this, the more people are becoming off kilter, and out of sorts.  It's important that we all take the time to sit, meditate and relax, even for just 5 min. a day.

  9. Heading the same as always, in cycles. War followed by a big advancement in society. We tolerate a lot of minority groups right now but unfortunately that wont stay forever.

  10. Yes.... I try to take things one day at a time sometimes, looking at the small picture, pausing for beauty, and other times I also join the rat race..... I figure if I try to cover a few things, then it will all work out.... I hope.... I do feel like this today though, that everything around me is a bunch of bs...

    Id love to live on a farm with a bunch of mature children, it would be the best


  11. The world is going wherever the arrogant US of A decides.  Its high time other countries started to say no to their grip on wherever oil happens to be.

  12. When I just looked.............Round and Round as usual!

    Don't worry........nothings changed!

  13. i compare myself to what i see iand i get down because i don't think i'm being good enough in who i am,to what i could be compared to other people or compared to whats possible,accepted or what other people are doing,have or exzperienced.

  14. world is leading towards future which is going to be very technilogical,very few good people,........

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