
Where does Bush get money to fund the war?

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  1. The government does not produce money what means that every dollar they have come from U.S citizens including himself.

  2. Government, more specifically, Congress.

  3. No body know's...  

  4. A huge chunk of it is actually coming from us via the gas prices.  Most of the gas money we pay goes to OPEC (or so called 'foreign oil', but really it's a cartel), the head of OPEC is Saudi Arabia.  So all that US currency gets funneled into Saudi Banks, which are conveniently located right here in the US.  Then they lend us billions from that account as national debt WITH INTEREST.  

    If you ask me that's a raw deal, but.. maybe McCain and Bush are right when it comes to Oil policy...  haha just kidding.

  5. Taxpayers dumbass.

  6. itz me who giv him money!! :P

  7. From out of thin air!  They create the money out of no where!  Thats why the economy will collapse in september of 2008

  8. Rove has a printing press over in the west wing.  

  9. China.  That way he'll leave taxpayers to cover the HUGE deficit.  Nice, huh?

  10. From our children.

    Borrow now, pay later.

  11. From China, primarily; also from Japan.

  12. american tax payers (they are doing a good job that needs to be done, its like the dishes, you might not want to do it but a mature person knows it needs to be done so they roll up there sleves and do it)

  13. By borrowing money through the issuance (selling) of bonds; value of which are redeemed by buyers of said bonds. Bonds valued at  5 mill might be sold by the Treasury for 4.6 mill; the difference representing the interest paid to the buyers.  

  14. Asks congress, they then order it form the federal reserve who then creates it form thin air.

    Welcome to the fiat system, have a nice depression!

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