
Where does Gordon Brown think he is going to find the money, the economy is in ruins 1€ = 0.82 pence?

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Forget the Dollar it is even worse, So he says he is going to help those with hard ships, when is he going to stop giving money away to hide his mistakes, this is only going to make the pound even worse, it will finish like the Lire Italian, you will need 1.000's to bay a bag of sweets.




  1. I don't think it will be like that for very long. None of the bankers could let it for their own financial gains. Am glad though that I bought $200 when it was 2/1 earlier in the year and couldn't travel.

    Their open door immigration policy to have multiculturalism in this country has backfired. They have let people in who came just for a free house and benefits and no intention of working at all. There is not a bottomless pit of money to pay for benefits. How much longer can it go on? They have also drained the h**l out of the NHS because they do not contribute a penny to it. Makes me really cross because this country used to be fantastic now it is sliding down a very big and slippery hill.

    I will never forget an interview a few years ago about a Red Cross worker at Sangatte Camp in Calais. Someone who was trying to cross into the UK illegally said to her "I am going to Birmingham (not I am escaping a life of h**l in my homeland) and and when you appeal their immigration decision to stay they give you a free house and benefits" - says it all doesn't it.

  2. He's been found out hasn't he?  Problem is he didn't5 put any money aside when the economy was booming; I may not have his financial astuteness, but I do know it is wise to save for a rainy day.  Even his lies about a global recession have been found out this week with the report that the UK is the only major economy likely to experience negative growth by the end of the year.  If that happens you are unquestionably right becaus3e the recessions of the 80's and 90's were global yet this will be the first one since the 70's when it's unique to us.  

  3. He won't rest until he has equalled the destruction that the labour party did in the 70's

  4. The questioner asks!Where is Gordon Brown  going to get the money for his initiatives!

    To be honest it will not be from Royalty,The Landed Gentry,successful business men and women or even Members of Parliament!How do they get away with it!By employing top City of London accountants who go through the books with a 'fine tooth comb' and exploit any tax loopholes in the unfair tax system!

    Now!The question arises;Who does really pay for these 'Prudence' Brown's initiatives?Why it is the poor pensioner,one parent family's and the newly married couple with a young family struggling to buy their two roomed home whilst those tax dodgers live a life of luxury living off the backs of the ordinary man and woman!

    I say!Give the ordinary guy an even break!

  5. Actually the £ is not as bad as you think, it is the Euro that has gained the most against other currencies. This is because the Euro has started enjoying the same free lunch that the US had been having since 1974, ie the ability to purchase oil in its own currency. Until 2000 the whole world had to pay for its oil in dollars. In 2000 Saddam ditched the US dollar for Euros which prompted a US invasion, Iraq's oil pricing currency is now restored to USD. Iran in 2003 ditched the USD for Euros so did Venezuela in 2004 (this explains the aggressive US stance against these countries).

    So expect the Euro to again especially as countries start dumping their reserve US dollars for Euros. This is exactly what EU leaders had in mind when they introduced the Euro.

    Also remember the worlds largest exporter in not US or China but Germany and the Eurozone exports twice as much as the US so more and more countries are going to favour the Euro.

    It's about time Britain joined the Euro, the US is going to prevent this but it will be in Britain best interests.

  6. they have flooded the country with scroungers and criminals but wont admit it. frankly we should throw the lot of them in prison for treason. this country is not going to recover from what the labour party has done. they have been like a cancer to this country. eaten it away from the core. where the h**l are we supposed to go from here?  ive joined the British National Party because in my heart i know!! that its the only party that will get the immigration problem sorted out. Brown can do nothing. him and the lying mass murdering Blair have wrecked every thing.

  7. I think he has just misunderstood the word prudent, he meant to say inept.

    new labour have destroyed the uk.

  8. He will get it by taxing the hard working to the hilt, petrol, diesel, income tax, and I am pretty sure he will come up with some new tax.

  9. He can't, thats why in the New Year we are gonna join the Euro.

    This whole recession has been an elaborate ploy to "force" us gently into the Euro. It's no secret that the Govt and the Banks have deliberatly set this chain of events off.

    Expect over the coming months, tonnes of Pro EU propaganda and how joining the EU will "save us". I guarantee it.

    We should however stay out of the EU and reject the Euro, but we all know its a done deal.

  10. Gorden wouldn,t need to find the money ,it,s already there.

    Sell off the BBC so we don,t have to purchase licences.

    Put a stop on all non essential capital expenses.

    Tax the higher wage earners more to reduce the imbalance between rich and poor.

    Stop allowing british banks etc from taking jobs abroad and then backing them with our tax money.

    The money should then be passed to the lower paid to keep them from poverty.

  11. That he has been throwing good money after bad for so long, and the kitty is empty, so there is no way he can help. If he and his idiot government had not squandered so much over the last 11 years we would not be in this position now.  

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