
Where does Obama stand on the establishment of a North American Union?

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Okay, just one more link and I'll stop.

SPP documents obtained via FOIA:




  1. Its impossible because the S.Americans favor China right now for fair trade rather than being exploited by American interests.

    2nd Canadians are not stupid enough to allow the US to impose an American empire upon them

  2. I think he's pretty much counting on Mexico and Canada to kill the deal.

    Mexico doesn't want it because they'll have to pay higher wages at home instead of sending their hardest working sons and daughters to the US to find jobs.

    And Canada isn't about to give up its National Health Plan, Free Universities or its Foreign Policy that has made them one the few countries in the world that nobody actually hates

  3. Against it.

  4. He essentially says it doesn't exist, that spp is nothing new and that what is being done is under NAFTA, and that there is a highway, but that is just a highway.

    There are some youtubes around if you look for them.

  5. This is all I could find:

  6. As far as I know, Obama is against the idea.  Or, if he isn't actively against it, he definitely wont try to implement it.  The reason is simple enough to see, it would pretty much be the end of his political career, since the idea is not only infeasible but somewhat crazy.

  7. Like most serious people, Obama has no opinion on the matter because there is no such thing.  None of the countries supposedly involved have an interest in establishing such a union, and there are no plans afoot to do so.

    Edit: The first link I've seen before, and as a neutral source Wiki scarcely treats this theory more seriously than I do.  The second link doesn't seem to work.  And I could spend all day reading things on the Internet that are wrong or absurd, for all of the good it would do me.  Find me a single serious policy paper advocating the topic, or a single bill in Congress or in the Canadian Parliament or the Mexican Congreso de la Unión, and then we'll talk.  Until then, it's still just fantasy.

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