
Where does ROAD RAGE come from?

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Where I live it is the norm to drive 10 mph UNDER the speed limit. Don't people have a clue that traffic is backed up for miles behind them? Don't they know that traffic lights are timed based on the speed limit? Do people really think they can control traffic better than the engineers? Why can't they keep up with the rest of traffic around them? Why are the cops so concerned with speeding when the slow pokes are more dangerous? And they wonder where road rage comes from!! A normal driver has every right to get upset when they are trying to drive from point A-B in the normal amount of time compared to taking twice as long dealing with and dodging idiots!! People have things to do and places to go! Maybe if people got their heads out of their behinds, got off the phone, learned defensive driving skills and paid attention to their surroundings, maybe there won't be so many accidents!!! Let the cops and insurance companies think about this one!




  1. From frustration with other drivers.

  2. More of a commentary/opinion than a question.

  3. Road rage comes from people forgetting that the ability to go 20 times walking speed is an amazing gift they're lucky to have.  They take it for granted, treat it like it's an entitlement, and when it is less than perfect, they react like an addict losing his jones.

    It's really tragic.

  4. It's very simple really... Traffic has more then quadroupled over the last 40 years. I can remember when people used to wave at other people on the road, because there were not that many people on the road. Now the slow ones are always in your way. In Europe it is a law that if someone wants to go faster and they blink their headlights behind you, you have to pull to the right and let them go by. They do not have the road rage problems we have. Even if it was the law here, I doubt if anyone would be so courteus.

  5. road rage comes from a persons belief that they are safe in their cars, take away the car and they would never say anything face to face with another driver

  6. America: it is one of your growing exports!

  7. Road rage simply comes from people making mountains out of molehills.  

    And not leaving point A early enough to get to point B in plenty of time.

  8. Comes from frustration.....I absolutely agree with you! It's one of my pet peeves, not to mention the rubber neckers!

  9. i think it comes from people not having time to be patient with ignorant people that don't know how to drive. if you dont know how to drive stay off the road.

  10. That, my friend, is because people are stupid.

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