
Where does Uncle Joe Biden stand on the Iraq war?

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After doing a little research i was quite surprised. Joe Biden, a outspoken opponent of the war actually voted to start the war back in 2003. He also has voted YES everytime for extended funding of the Iraq war.

Not only that-but Uncle Joe also was himself calling for a invasion of Iraq way before 911 and way before President Bush ran for office. Back in 1998 Biden was trying to gain support for a full scale invasion of Iraq and overthrowing Saddam.

One last interesting thing-Biden also stated that Saddam had WMD and was a threat to America.

Knowing all of this, how can Biden even begin to run on a ticket side by side with a man who claims one of his main goals is to end the war in Iraq?

One other thing-Biden has also called for a invasion of Darfur and Sudan. I wonder if he would flip flop on that too-call for the war then when it starts say hes against it.........




  1. Personally, I want to know how that three state partition of Iraq is going.

  2. because flip flop is a known democrat trait. He is the change obama is talking about, remember? you know, change like picking someone who has been in WA for 20 years, and doesnt agree with him on issues and is the exact opposite of change. Didnt you know thats what obama means when he says change? The exact same but with a black figure head with no real thought!

  3. Biden stated in 2002 that Saddam Hussein was a threat to national security, and that there was no option but to eliminate that threat. The Bush administration rejected an effort Biden undertook with Senator Richard Lugar to pass a resolution authorizing military action only after the exhaustion of diplomatic efforts. In October 2002, Biden voted in favor of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, justifying the Iraq War. He has long supported the appropriations to pay for the occupation, but has argued repeatedly that the war should be internationalized, that more soldiers are needed, and that the Bush administration should "level with the American people" about the cost and length of the conflict.

    Biden has been involved in crafting many federal crime laws over the last decade, including the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, also known as the Biden Crime Law, and the landmark Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA), which contains a broad array of measures to combat domestic violence and provides billions of dollars in federal funds to address gender-based crimes. In 2000, the Supreme Court ruled that the section of VAWA allowing a federal civil remedy for victims of gender-motivated violence exceeded Congress' authority and therefore was unconstitutional. Congress reauthorized VAWA in 2000 and 2005. In March 2004, Biden enlisted major American technology companies in diagnosing the problems of the Austin, Texas-based National Domestic Violence Hotline, and to donate equipment and expertise to it.

    As chairman of the International Narcotics Control Caucus, Biden wrote the laws that created the U.S. "Drug Czar", who oversees and coordinates national drug control policy. In April 2003 he introduced the controversial Reducing Americans' Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act, also known as the RAVE Act. He continues to work to stop the spread of "date rape drugs" such as Rohypnol, and drugs such as Ecstasy and Ketamine. In 2004 he worked to pass a bill outlawing steroids like androstenedione, the drug used by many baseball players.

    Biden's legislation to promote college aid and loan programs allows families to deduct on their annual income tax returns up to $10,000 per year in higher education expenses. His "Kids 2000" legislation established a public/private partnership to provide computer centers, teachers, Internet access, and technical training to young people, particularly to low-income and at-risk youth

  4. Just about everything Biden voted on his way was the WRONG decision-    He and Obama have been wrong on most issues in the past, how can anyone expect them to be right in the future!!

  5. He wants to split the country in three:  Kurdistan, Shiastan, and Sunnistan, or something like that.  That plan won't work.  Turkey, Iran, and Syria will not allow that to happen.  The country must stay united and get through this enormous situation they're in.

  6. Where will Thousands more Dead Americans be buried after McBush Extends the occupation and misery?

  7. I would suspect the same reason the majority of Americans "flip flopped". He realised the amount of lies that were being spread after nothing was found which supported Bush's allegations.

    Honestly, your ability to miss out important facts to mislead half-wits away from the whole truth astounds me.

  8. LOL and they call McCain a war monger!

  9. Joe Biden's record has been quite exemplary and responsible. he has stood for policies that would actually make him appear to be a republican!

    He appears to have never in the last decade stood against assistance to those in danger in other countries, and was always for standing against evil tyrants and other bad people. He has approached the Middle East conflicts in a mature way, favouring a gradual withdrawal from Iraq, much the same as what McCain wants.

    In other words, he is the exact opposite of that childish, naive fool, Idiot Barry.

    Biden tried to run for POTUS himself in 1987, but was defeated in the primaries. Perhaps he sees that by joining Idiot Barry's ticket, he will have the best chance of achieving his goals.

    To join Idiot Barry and his simple-minded approach to the Middle East, would take a total reversal of everything he has ever stood for.

    That's too bad. Joe seems to be otherwise a pretty good guy. This action of joining Barry though, shows that he is willing to throw away everything for stupidity, and a chance for power.

    Stupidity for the sake of a fleeting, weak chance at power, is still stupidity. Joe Biden should be very ashamed of himself.

  10. Try flipping a coin

  11. is this obama, dang....

  12. That should make Republicans happy.  Maybe Barack Obama wanted to pander to trigger-happy Republican voters.

  13. Why are you surprised?

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