
Where does a colombian girl in argentina get a visa to come to europe for a holiday?

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I think that there is a visa for europe ...maybe ten countries...the shenley agreement something like that there such a thing as a european embassy?




  1. most european countries dont require a visa to go there. thats my experience and im chilean. ukraine requires a visa, but i dont think u wanna go to ukraine. anyways, go to the local consulate f the country u want to visit and ask. internet is also usefull as most embassies have websites.

  2. Try These;

  3. You should get your visa in the embassy of the European country you want to visit. It does not matter if you are citinzen of Colombia. As long as you have a legal resident status in Argentina (meaning that you can go to Europe and go back to Argentina with no problems) you should be able to go to any European embassy in that country and apply for your visa. If you are going to a country member of the European Union in a tourist visa, very likely you would have to apply for a Schengen visa. Good luck!

  4. Yea, What you will have to do is visitthe appropriate country embassy or consulates on your home country, by that they will put you thru what to and the requiremnets

  5. Try the email address on this page:

    Good luck!

  6. Usually via the High Commission or Embassy of the country you want to visit.  If you're a Colombian national you'd need to apply through the High Commission or Embassy in Colombia (almost certainly in Bogota).  Use a search engine to look up the High Commission or Embassy of the country in question and submit a visa application.  There's normally a fee to pay which is typically $50 to $100, you'll need a valid passport, recent photos of yourself and may be asked to provide proof of your means (how much money you have) and if you're staying for any length of time may be asked for references from people in the country you plan to visit.

    Visa applications can often be downloaded online and sbmitted through the post but in many cases you can apply in person.

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