
Where does a hamster like to be pet??

by  |  earlier

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wat I mean is does he lyk to be pet on his head or his back or his belly




  1. from in between the ears down there back and all the way to there tail

  2. umm.........idk but thanx 4 d points

  3. You mean on him? Uhh, depends on hamster, I guess, but mostly on his back? If you don't mean on him, maybe somewhere quiet.

  4. In the shower.

  5. How can no one understand what she is asking o_o

    My hamster seem to like to be scratched just below the ear with my index finger. Or also right behind the ear.

  6. On its back and maybe behind the ears (:  

  7. Most rodents don't mind and you can just experiment. Try each spot head,back, belly and u will know which one he likes or doesn't like.

  8. you can make hamsters feel unconfortable if you pet them on their stomach. If the hamster is new to you here is what you should do. Put food in it's bowl then (while its eating) pet it on it's back. Not near its head. Not near the tail. Not on the sides but on the middle of the back. The hamster will be so preoccupied by the food she wouldnt even think of what you are doing. Then once she gets used to your hand you can try petting her near the head. But stay near her back untill she get so comfortable you can pick her up with ease.  

  9. In the aquarium!! Lolz... didn't understand your question. Please rephrase.  

  10. i love hamsters in between the ears are the most place or infront of the tail!!!

  11. Probably his back above the tail:) bye bye now

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