
Where does a healthy 70 year man go?

by Guest62117  |  earlier

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to meet women besides the nursing home




  1. Church. Is the best place. They have singles groups and you can meet there.But, don't be quick to hit on the women, see what its all about first and learn what they are talking about.

    Another place would be internet sites. There are good ones and there are free ones. There is nothing wrong with meeting over the internet, people do it all the time. I am 29 and I have dated several people over the internet, they were great, but, I met mine at work.  

  2. I would say church and the grocery store are good places to start. I live in Michigan and my town holds single dances about once a month for senior citizens. They advertise on our local website, and in the local paper. You could also take classes at the Y. I see a lot of older men in the morning working out and there are some in my yoga and spinning classes. My boyfriends mom is 60 and she met 2 good men on Good Luck!

  3. One week ago I have looked for one like you and yahoo deleted my question . The reason: solicitation.

    Where you have been?

    Where you are living ?

  4. To the church!

  5. Try bookstores like barnes and noble. Or ia dating website. Sounds dorky but thats how my father met his now wife and he 's pretty old.

    Love has no age limit ...Go to cafes, or places u find of interest..


  6. BINGO !!! I Love it :)  i'm 18 :D

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